Full List

List updated 2013 June 29

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Nr: 1 COMPUTER TELEPHONE CO. OF CHICAGO, INC. (TELECOM, USA) , Common shares of $.10, 1969, brown, black, Portrait of Peter James, inventor of the Comput-a-Phone, printed seal
Nr: 9 DATA-CONTROL SYSTEMS, INC. (SPACECRAFT/AVIONICS/TELEMETRY, USA) , Common Shares of $0.05, 1967, blue, black, rocket ready to launch, printed seal
Nr: 11 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS INC. (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , 100 Common Shares of $0.10, 1966/1967, green, black, woman with 2 globes, city
Nr: 13 COMPUTER APPLICATIONS INC. (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Common Shares of $0.10, 1966/1967, blue, black, woman with 2 globes, city
Nr: 18 SPERRY RAND CORPORATION (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Common Shares of $0.50, 1962/1964, orange, black, classical scientist in lab with gear, microscope, .., Transf.New York/Jersey City
Nr: 19 COMPUCHARGE, INC. (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , Common Shares of $0.01, 1971, green, black, woman with 2 globes, city view
Nr: 23 UNIVERSITY COMPUTING CO. (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , 7,25% Conv. Subord. $5000-Debenture Due 1995, Reg., 1976/1977, blue, black, woman with globe, city view, seal 'Delaware 1972', overprinted 'Wyly Corporation'
Nr: 24 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , 4,5% Convertible Subord. $1000 Debenture, Reg., 1978, green, black, woman holding globe and computer system with printout, printed seal
Nr: 25 MACHINES BULL S.A., CIE. DES (COMPUTERS, FRANCE) , Part Bénéficiaire, 1964, green, buff, , watermark pattern of bees
Nr: 26 INFORMATION MACHINES CORPORATION (OFFICE EQUIPMENT/SERVICES, U.S.A.) , Common Shares, 1972, brown, black, silver, logo, Officers overprinted in silver, idem counters.bank; computer terminals producer
Nr: 29 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Shares, 1946/1951, brown, black, 2 women (1 holding globe), fs. Watson as president
Nr: 30 G.M.V. DATA SYSTEMS N.V. (SOFTWARE/CONSULTANCY, BELGIUM) , Bew.v.Inschr.op Naam op Kapitaalsaandelen, unissue, , green, grey, black,
Nr: 31 SOFTEC INFORMATIQUE S.A. (COMPUTERS, BELGIUM) , Action, 1989, blue, black,
Nr: 33 COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PLC (ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER PERIPHERALS, UNITED KINGDOM) , Ordinary Shares of 20p, 1982, black, , modems, multiplexers
Nr: 35 MODERN DATA TECHNIQUES, INC. (SERVICES ICT, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Common Shares of $0.01, , blue, black, logo on punch-cards, ICT services; printed seal
Nr: 42 MISR POUR LA FILATURE & LE TISSAGE DU COTON, SOC. (TEXTILE, EGYPT) , 1 Action L.E. 4, specimen, 1927, green, brown, black, lotus flowers, winged snakes, rare
Nr: 47 EGYPTIAN COTTON MILLS, LTD (TEXTILE, EGYPT/UNITED KINGDOM) , 5 Shares of £1, 1900, green, black, sfinx with piramids and arab with camel
Nr: 48 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPTE, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/WATER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Part de Dividende, 1897, brown, underprint: oasis, palmtrees, arabs, pyramids, ancient elements, hs. Comte Le Grelle
Nr: 49 ANGLO-BELGIAN CO. OF EGYPT LTD (RAILROADS/AGRICULTURE, EGYPT/UK/BELGIUM) , 1 Share of £5, 1908/1921, green, black, train r-l, pyramid
Nr: 55 EGYPTIAN ENTERPRISE AND DEVELOPMENT CO. (AGRICULTURE/ PROPERTY/TRANSPORT, EGYPT) , 1 Ordinary Sh. L.E. 10 / 1 Act. de Capital L.E. 10, 1906, blue, black, 2 vignettes of piramids along the Nile, farmer with cows, Date printed '...190...'
Nr: 56 GHARBIEH LAND CO. (PROPERTY/AGRICULTURE, EGYPT) , 1 Deferred Share / 1 Part de Dividende, 1906, green-black, pink, farmers with cows and horses, co. name with flower,stars in underprint, Date printed '...190...'
Nr: 60 COMMERCIAL BANK OF EGYPT (BANK, EGYPT) , 1 Share of £4 / 1 Action de £4, 1945, blue, orange, black, Egyptian woman at oasis with piramids, sfinx, border of colons and scarabee
Nr: 64 CHARLES TIBERGHIEN, S.A. DES ETS. (TEXTILE, FRANCE) , Action de F3000, 1950, green, orange, looming machine, coat-of-arms, sheep, tissues
Nr: 65 L'ABEILLE MAROCAINE S.A. (TEXTILE, MOROCCO) , Action de F1000, , blue, looming machine, corner vignettes of bees, overstamped cap.F60mlj, action F1500,stamp 14/05/52
Nr: 69 MILLAR LOOM CO. LTD (TEXTILE MACHINERY, UNITED KINGDOM) , Ordinary Shares of £1, 1898, green, looming machine, leaves in border, embossed seal depicting loom
Nr: 71 YPERSCHE WEVERIJ N.V. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Stichtersaandeel op naam, 1924, purple, grey, , Minneplein-Dixmude Steenweg
Nr: 74 EBENISTERIE MECANIQUE YPROISE, ANC. J.H.BLOM & CIE (WOOD, FURNITURE/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F500, 1930, blue, buff,
Nr: 75 CONFISERIES DES FLANDRES ET CHOCOLATS CHIMERE S.A. (CHOCOLATE, BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1926, brown, yellow, , Chocolaterie 'De Haeck'
Nr: 78 DRAPER CORPORATION (TEXTILE MACHINES, U.S.A.) , 100 Shares, 1965, blue, black, looming machine
Nr: 82 CROMPTON AND KNOWLES LOOM WORKS (TEXTILE MACHINERY, U.S.A.) , Common Shares of, 1926, orange, black, loom, issued to Frank P. Knowles
Nr: 84 SWISSAIR, SCHWEIZERISCHE LUFTVERKEHR-AG ZÜRICH (AVIATION, SWITZERLAND) , Aktie von 350 Franken, 1967, blue, black, abstract airoplane flying on map of the world, text in german, french and italian
Nr: 92 RUSSISCHE REGIERUNG, KAISERLICH - 4% 1902 (STATE LOAN, RUSSIA/CHINA) , 4% Obligation 5000 RM, 1902, brown, blue, purple, black, coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle & Chinese dragon, text in Russian, German and English; watermark pattern
Nr: 93 RUSSISCHE REGIERUNG, KAISERLICH - 4% 1902 (STATE LOAN, RUSSIA/CHINA) , 4% Obligation 2000 RM, 1902, green, pink, blue, black, coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle & Chinese dragon, text in Russian, German and English; watermark pattern
Nr: 94 RUSSISCHE REGIERUNG, KAISERLICH - 4% 1902 (STATE LOAN, RUSSIA/CHINA) , 4% Obligation 1000 RM, 1902, pink, green, blue, black, coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle & Chinese dragon, watermark pattern
Nr: 95 RUSSISCHE REGIERUNG, KAISERLICH - 4% 1902 (STATE, RUSSIA/CHINA) , 4% Obligation 500 RM, 1902, brown, red, blue, black, coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle & Chinese dragon, text in Russian, German and English; watermark pattern
Nr: 96 LEVANT DE MONS SA, SOC. NOUV. DES CHARBONNAGES DU (COAL-MINES, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital, 1924, blue, yellow,
Nr: 98 RURALE ANVERSOISE S.A., CIE. (AGRICULTURE & PROPERTY, ARGENTINA/BELGIUM) , Part de Dividende, 1911, yellow, green, black, 4 border vignettes of gaucho's with cows
Nr: 100 BARTON INSTRUMENT CORPORATION (VALVES/PRECISION INSTRUMENTS, U.S.A.) , 100 Common Shares, 1963, brown, black, rocket, globe, oil-refinery
Nr: 101 TRUST FRANCO-BELGE DES PETROLES S.A. (OIL, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1920, blue, buff, black, 3 bordervignettes of oil-rigs and wagon
Nr: 102 LAIT BERNA S.A., CIE. DU (MILK, FRANCE/SWITZERLAND) , Action de F100, 1920,  blue, green, red,  milk can 'Berna', factory in the mountains, vignette of the Berna Milk Co.
Nr: 103 CUBA RAILROAD CO. (RAILROAD, CUBA/U.S.A.) , 10 Preferred Shares o f $100, 1913, brown, black, loco
Nr: 108 AUTOMOBILUL BUCURESTI, S.A. (AUTOMOBILES/AVIATION, RUMANIA) , Action de Capital de 100 Lei, 1909, black, brown, , embossed seal
Nr: 110 L'AERA S.A. (AVIATION, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1913, blue, oliv-grey,
Nr: 116 MECANICONGO S.C.A.R.L. (TRANSPORT MATERIAL/ENGINES, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F1000, 1951, brown, yellow, black, Congo star with 'tandwiel'
Nr: 117 VENPLANTA S.C.A.R.L. (AGRICULTURE/COFFEE/PALM-OIL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1929, red, green, black, co. name in jugendstil
Nr: 123 TRAMWAYS DE BUENOS-AYRES S.A., CIE. GEN. DE (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRICITY, ARGENTINA/BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1907, blue, orange-buff, Jugendstil border with pine-apples in corners, coat-of-arms of Argentina, Artist: Posch, Ch., fs. Victor Fris
Nr: 126 LA SERICICOLE DU CONGO S.A. (TEXTILE/ COLONIAL, AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FR./FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1927, brown, yellow, border with silk worm vignette
Nr: 130 PETROLES DE BORYSLAW (OIL,  POLAND/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1913, brown, buff, , fs. Joseph Waterkeyn
Nr: 132 ATELIERS METALLURGIQUES, LES (METAL WORKS, BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1905, brown, buff-pink,
Nr: 138 BELGOLEA S.A. PETROLIFERE ET MINIERE (OIL, RUMANIA/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1927, brown, green,
Nr: 141 VERVIETOISE DE TEXTILES S.A., CIE. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1920, blue,
Nr: 142 PLANTATIONS DE L'EQUATORIALE S.A. (AGRICULTUREL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1927, brown, buff, black, riverboat, palmtrees
Nr: 143 COLOMINES S.C.A.R.L. (MINES/COLONIAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1952, brown, grey, black man, mining company, boat on river with palmtrees
Nr: 144 BANQUE HONGROISE D'ESCOMPTE ET DE CHANGE S.A.HONG. (BANK, HUNGARY) , 4% Obligation Foncière de F500/476,13 Cour./405 RM, 1911, blue, coat-of-arms
Nr: 147 KHARKOW 1911, EMPRUNT DE LA VILLE (CITY LOAN FOR TRAMW., ELECTR. & PUBL.WORKS, RUSSIA) , 5% Obligation de 187,50 Rbls, 1912, brown, black, 4 corner vignettes of buildings, coat of arms of Kharkov, watermark coat of arms of Kharkov; text in Russian
Nr: 153 BAKU 1910, LOAN OF THE CITY OF (CITY LOAN FOR HORSE TRAMW., WATER & EL.W., RUSSIA) , 5% Bond of 189 Rbls=20£=504 Frs., 1910, brown, black, coat of arms of Baku, watermark pattern; text in Russian, English and French
Nr: 155 NICOLAS RAILROAD, IMP. GOV. OF RUSSIA (RAILROADS/STATE, RUSSIA) , 4% Obligation de 125 rbls=500 Frs=20 £=236 Fl., 1869, brown, black, coat-of-arms with double headed eagle, watermark pattern
Nr: 164 TRAMWAYS, D'ECLAIRAGE & D'ENTR.ELECTR. EN HONGRIE (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRICAL/DAM, HUNGARY/BELGIUM) , Action Ordinaire, 1899, green, black, jugendstil border vignettes of trams, generator, water installations, electrical lamps,
Nr: 167 TRAMWAYS D'IEKATERINOSLAW (TRAMWAYS, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1897, blue, red, large underprint of coat-of-arms
Nr: 170 FRANCO-RUSSE D'ACCUMULATEURS, CIE. GEN. (ELECTRICAL/BATTERIES, RUSSIA/FRANCE/BELGIUM) , Action de F100, 1898, blue, green, woman with light-bulb, winged wheel, batteries, jugendstil elements, Artist: Posch, Ch.
Nr: 171 JEWELCOR INC. (DIAMONDS/JEWELRY, U.S.A.) , 100 Common Shares of 0.05$, 1972, blue, black, buff, large diamond
Nr: 176 PARROT SILVER AND COPPER CO. (SILVER & COPPER, U.S.A.) , , 1903-1906, black on yellow, parrot on silver bar, arm with hammer, watermark
Nr: 184 PLANTATIONS ET D'ELEVAGE DU KIVU S.A., SOC. DE (AGRICULTURE/COFFEE, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F500, 1927, brown, black, large vignettes of coffeeplanters and farmers with cows
Nr: 187 LES PRODUITS DU MAYOMBE S.A. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT & EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1899, brown, yellow, art nouveaul design, large vignettes of natives, expedition camp, arms, train, palm trees, Artist: Wylands, F.
Nr: 189 MINIERE INTERCOLONIALE S.A.COL. (DIAMOND MINING, AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FR./FRANCE) , Dix. de Part de Fondateur, buff corner red stamp, 1945, green, blue, black, buff,brown, scene at diamond mine, 4 cornervignettes with diamonds, mining tools, backgr
Nr: 190 FRUIT OF THE LOOM, INC. (TEXTILE, U.S.A.) , Preferred Shares of $20, 1938, blue, black, fruit, co.logo with cornupcia, sd by Secretary & President
Nr: 192 DOMINION STORES LTD (SHOPS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Common Shares, 1933, brown, black, lion
Nr: 193 L'EST DU KWANGO, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT& EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO) , Action de Jouissance, 1899, green, buff-yellow,
Nr: 196 ECOLE NATIONALE D'AVIATION DE BELGIQUE.A. (AVIATION, BELGIUM) , Action Privilégiée de F100, 1910, brown, green,
Nr: 197 ANVERSOISE DU COMMERCE AU CONGO, S.A.R.L. (IMPORT & EXPORT/ COLONIAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , 1/10 Part Sociale, 1897, brown, light brown, view of Antwerp, coat-of-arms, train in the Congo, leaves, map, natives, underprint : congo village, river
Nr: 203 HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. (COMPUTERS, ELECTRONICS - U.S.A.) , Common Shares of $1.00, Specimen, , light blue, black, allegorical male and female with HP logo, HP logo in lower right corner, Pres.Young, Secr.Nordlund, Transf.N.Y./Chicago
Nr: 205 G C COMPUTER CORPORATION (SERVICES, COMPUTER LEASING, U.S.A.) , 6% Conv. subord. $ debenture due 1986, specimen, 1966, red, black, woman on magnetic tape-reel, tape- & diskdrivers, punch-card, printed seal
Nr: 206 L'EST DU KWANGO, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT& EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO) , Action de Capital de F100, 1899, blue, buff-yellow,
Nr: 213 APPLICATIONS INDUSTRIELLES DU BOIS, S.A. (AVIATION/WOOD, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1918, green,buff-yellow,brown, black, wood craftsmen, wood, aeroplane, wood factory, very ornate border
Nr: 215 DEVELOPPEMENT DE L'AVIATON, SOC. GEN.POUR LE (AVIATION, FRANCE) , Part de Propriété de F1000, 1910, black on blue printed paper, , sg. Comte Martin de Valcourt, embossed seal
Nr: 219 BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC (AVIATION, UNITED KINGDOM) , Depository Ordinary Shares of 25 p., specimen, , blue, red, black, silver, buff, classical man and woman with map of the world
Nr: 220 BRITISH AIRWAYS PLC (AVIATION, UNITED KINGDOM/USA/CANADA) , Actions de Dépositaire Américain 25 p., specimen, , blue, red, black, silver, buff, classical man and woman with map of the world, french text
Nr: 221 AVIATION, CIE. D' (AVIATION, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1908, blue, , early and extremely rare aviation piece, founded by Delagrange
Nr: 222 JUCHMÈS-AVIATION, S.A. DES ANC. ETS. (AVIATION, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1918, brown, red, buff, army camp, airplan shelters, watermark pattern of Chaix logo
Nr: 224 NASSAU ELECTRIC RAILROAD CO. (TRAMWAYS, USA) , Shares of $100, 1894, orange, black, lady with flowers on wheel
Nr: 228 ECOLE NATIONALE D'AVIATION S.A. (AVIATION, FRANCE) , Part de Fondateur, 1911, brown-pink, black, underprint : airplanes
Nr: 236 NARRAGANSETT RACING ASSOCIATION, INC. (SPORTS/HORSE-RACING, U.S.A.) , 100  Common Shares of $100, unissued, , green, black, Indian, horse-racing
Nr: 239 MIDDLESEX ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. (ELECTRICAL LIGHTNING, U.S.A.) , Shares of $10, 1883, black,
Nr: 246 L'HELICE INTEGRALE (AIRCRAFT, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1912/1916, brown, blue-green, , fs. Chauvière
Nr: 251 DYLE ET BACALAN, S.A. DE TRAVAUX (AVIATION/SHIPYARD/METAL WORKS, FRANCE) , Action Privilégiée de F300, 1912, blue, green,
Nr: 253 AIRCRAFT MANUFACTURING CO., LTD (AIRCRAFT, UK) , Cumulative Participat. B Preference Shares of £1, 1918, green,
Nr: 256 LA HISPANO FAB. DE AUTOMOBIL. Y MATERIAL DE GUERRA (AVIATION/AUTOMOBILES/ARMS, SPAIN) , Acción de Pts 500, 1919, red, blue, yellow, buff, grey, co.logo of wings, rare
Nr: 257 LA HISPANO SUIZA FABRICA DE AUTOMOVILES S.A. (AUTOMOBILES/AVIATION/ARMS, SPAIN) , 1 Acción de Ptas 500, 1916, orange, brown-red, black, fur-coated lady with early automobile, highly decorative
Nr: 259 UNITED AIR LINES, INC. (AVIATION, U.S.A.) , 4,5% Subordinated $-Debenture, 1967, pink, black, Mercury
Nr: 262 TRANS WORLD AIRLINES, INC. (AVIATION, U.S.A.) , 6,5% Subord. Income Debenture $1000, 1961, green, black, woman in clouds with globe
Nr: 271 LES PRODUITS DU MAYOMBE S.A. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT & EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1899, blue, yellow, large vignettes of natives, expedition camp, arms, train, palm trees, art nouveau, Artist: Wylands, F.
Nr: 273 EGYPTIAN ENTERPRISE AND DEVELOPMENT CO. (AGRICULTURE/ PROPERTY/TRANSPORT, EGYPT) , 1 Deferred Share / 1 Part de Dividende, 1906, brown, black, 2 vignettes of piramids along the Nile, farmer with cows, Date printed '5th of March 1905'
Nr: 277 K. AND S. TIRE AND RUBBER GOODS, LTD (AUTOMOBILE/TIRES/RUBBER, CANADA) , Common Shares, 1921, orange, black, tire in co.logo
Nr: 279 SPLIT LAKE GOLD MINES, LTD (GOLD MINING, CANADA) , Shares, 1938, brown, black,
Nr: 281 INSPIRATION LTD (MINING/CANADA) , Common Shares, 1969, blue-grey, black,
Nr: 285 MADRID A CACERES Y A PORTUGAL, SOC. DE LOS FERR. (RAILROADS, SPAIN/PORTUGAL) , 3% Obligación de 500 Ptas, 1881, brown black, coats-of-arms, angels, vignet of train
Nr: 291 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. (COMPUTERS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 Common Shares of $5, 1965, orange, black, 2 classical men with co. logo, co. logo in lower corners, Countersign.Fst Nat City Bank, silver seal Secretary
Nr: 292 DATA PRODUCTS CORPORATION (ELECTRONICS/OFFICE EQUIPMENT/SERVICES , U.S.A.) , 100 Common Shares of 10c., 1974, green, black, flying eagle, co. logo, printed seal; computer memories, disks and printers
Nr: 293 COMMENTRY-OISSEL, FORGES ET ATELIERS DE (METAL WORKS/FOUNDRY, FRANCE) , Action de F3000, 1951, brown, grey, , watermark pattern of printer logo
Nr: 304 CHARBONNAGES UNIS DE L'OUEST DE MONS S.A. (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , 5% Obligation de F1000, , green, blue, black, coal pits, in border : coats-of-arms, mining tools
Nr: 305 CHARBONNAGES DE NOEL-SART-CULPART A GILLY, S.A. (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , Action, 1950, green, blue, black, photovignette of coal-pit
Nr: 309 C.D.F. BELGES, SOC. NATIONALE DES (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F5000, 1963-83, 5,5%, 1963, blue, pink, locomotive, watermark pattern of co.logo
Nr: 310 C.D.F. BELGES, SOC. NATIONALE DES (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F5000, 1965-77, 6,25-6,50%, 1965, blue, black, grey, locomotive, watermark pattern of co.logo
Nr: 312 BLANXART S.A. ESPANOLA, VINOS GASIFICADOS (WINE, SPAIN) , Accion de 500 Pesetas REPRINT !, 1916, green, brown, hands uncorking a botlle, woman drinking wine, grapes, Artist: ?, REPRINT (PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL)
Nr: 313 CATANIKA, CIE. COMM. ET AGRICOLE DU TANGANIKA ( AGRICULTURE/CATTLE, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1928, blue, grey-blue, rhinoceros, africans, deer, leopard, monkey, large river scene in underprint, large scene in underprint
Nr: 318 ASTILLERO A ONTANEDA, CIA. DEL FERRO-CARRIL DEL (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Obligacion de 500 Pesetas, 4%, 1901, red, black, yellow, large vignette of train near river coming from the mountains, border with leaves and winged wheels, angel in underprint,
Nr: 319 CONNECTICUT TELEPHONE CO., THE (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares capital stock $25 paid, 1881, black, early telephone
Nr: 323 BELGE-EGYPTIENNE DE L'EZBEKIEH S.A., SOC. (HOLDING, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 4%, 1905, purple, buff, hieroglyfs, palm trees, piramids, sfinxes
Nr: 324 PRODUITS VEGETAUX DU HAUT-KASSAI, S.A. DES (AGRICULTURE, COFFEE, COCOA/BELGIAN CONGO, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F500, 1895, black, orange, train, coat-of-arms, ship, arms, village, bee-hive, Congo star, Artist: Posch, C.
Nr: 327 K. AND S. TIRE AND RUBBER GOODS, LTD (AUTOMOBILE/TIRES/RUBBER, CANADA) , Preference Shares of $100, 1921, green, black, tire in co.logo
Nr: 328 VICTORY GOLD MINES, LTD. (GOLDMINING, CANADA) , 100 shares of $1, 1928, orange, black, red,
Nr: 329 OIL CREEK AND ALLEGHENY RIVER RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROAD, USA) , Shares of $50 (variety FIFTY DOLLARS dark backgr.), 1868/1870, black, train behind canal and cowboys on horses and steamer, train, revenu stamp, OIL-467-S-50a ic
Nr: 330 CENTRAL OHIO RAILROAD CO. AS REORGANIZED (RAILROAD, USA) , Shares of $50, 18.. -1900, black, 1. Train on bridge, 2.ladies with weigh-scale, 3.sower
Nr: 331 LIGNE INT. D' ITALIE PAR LE SIMPLON (CDF.ET NAV.) (RAILROADS, Italy / FRANCE) , Obligation de F525, F15 intérèt, 1868, black, buff, in front and rear border : flowers, coat-of-arms, statues, map of Europe, train, Artist: Valton, E. - Pontenier, hs
Nr: 334 CESKOSLOVENSKE DREVARSKE A.S. (AGRICULTURE/WOOD, CZECHOSLOVAKIA) , Akcie na 400 Korun, 1919, yellow, black, horses pulling trees
Nr: 335 FERROCARRILES ANDALUCES S.A., CIA. DE LOS (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Acción de 500 Pesetas, DUPLICADO, 1924, black, buff, red, vignettes of Cadiz, Granada, Malaga, Cordoba, Sevilla, train in tunnel and on  bridge, angels, fruit, DUPLICADO in red
Nr: 336 ORPHEUM CIRCUIT INC. (THEATRE & FILM, USA) , 100 Common Shares of $1, 1921, orange, black, godess with lion
Nr: 337 RADIODISTRIBUTIE N.V., MIJ. VOOR (RADIO, BELGIUM) , Aandeel van F1000, 1935, blue, black,
Nr: 338 JOURNAL L'INFORMATION FIN.,EC.& POL., SOC. DU (PRINTING & PRESS/STOCK-EXCHANGE, FRANCE) , Part de Fondateur, 190., pink, black, , Place de la Bourse 10
Nr: 342 WINOGA PATRICIA GOLD MINES LTD. (GOLDMINING, CANADA) , Shares of $1, 1938, purple, black,
Nr: 345 CONTINENTAL CATADURA CO. S.A., THE (WINE & ALCOHOL, BELGIUM) , 5 Parts de Fondateur, 1897, blue, light blue, , catadura means the degustation or selection of wines
Nr: 347 MINIERE INTERCOLONIALE S.A.COL. (DIAMOND MINING/COLONIAL, AFR.EQ.FR./FRANCE) , Dix. de Part de Fondateur white corner brown stamp, 1945, green, blue, black, brown, diamond mining, 4 cornervignettes, background pattern
Nr: 350 ANGLO BELGE DE LA COTE D'OR, S.A. CIE. (IMPORT & EXPORT, GOLD COAST/GHANA/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1899, green, dark green, splendid large design with natives, palm trees, village near the river, trading goods, coat-of-arms
Nr: 351 MINES D'OR DE KILO-MOTO, SOC. DES (GOLDMINING/COLONIAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part Beneficiaire, 1944+, red, black, pink, palm trees, blacks, canoes, river, water mark pattern of co.name
Nr: 352 CARLTON, S.A. DU (HOTELS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1927, buff, black, co.logo, large photogravure of the hotel in underprint
Nr: 356 STAD GENT - 1896, LEENING V. 70.000.000 F. 2% (CITY, BELGIUM) , Obligatie van F100, 1937, brown, buff, lion, city view, harbour, coat-of-arms, anchor, medaillon, Artist: Heins Armand, Malvaux Jean
Nr: 358 MINES DE BRUAY, CIE. DES (MINING, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1939, blue, light blue, allegorical figures, miner, cornupcia etc., Artist: Garand Maurice, Napier A., watermark of co.name and printer name
Nr: 360 BRAILA TRAMWAYS ET ECLAIRAGE ELECTRIQUE S.A. (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRICAL, RUMANIA/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F500, 1929, green, facs. Paul Fraiteur
Nr: 362 AGRICOLE ET FINANCIERE D'ALGERIE S.A., SOC. (AGRICULTURE/BANK, ALGERIA/FRANCE) , Action B de F100, 1928, green, blue, allegorical figures, oasis, factory, ship, leaves
Nr: 363 FERROVIE NAPOLETANE S.A., SOC.PER LE (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, ITALY) , 1 Azione privilegiata da nom. 100 LE, 1926, green, brown, black, coat-of-arms, tramway car
Nr: 364 SPASSKY COPPER MINE LTD., THE (COPPER  & COAL MINING, RUSSIA) , 1 Share of 1£, 1913, purple, black, allegorical figure, angels in border, watermark of co.name
Nr: 365 MINAS DE CARMENES S.A. (MINING, SPAIN) , Acción 500 Ptas, 1903, brown, blue, buff, red, art nouveau design with large vignette of allegorical woman near mine watching approaching train, Artist: Crabbe, Ch.
Nr: 367 MINAS DE LOS ARCOS (NAVARRA) CO.AN. (MINING, SPAIN) , Acción de 500 Ptas oro, 1905, blue, green, very nice jugendstil design with vignette of mining equipment
Nr: 369 LES DEBITANTS REUNIS S.A.C.A.C.V. (BEER, FRANCE) , , 1914, brown, buff, brewery train in background, hops
Nr: 370 VERRERIES D'INDOCHINE S.A., SOC.FR.DES (GLASS, FRENCH INDOCHINA/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1929, brown, green, dragon
Nr: 372 MINES DE ZINC ET DE PLOMB DE BOHEME, S.A. DES (MINING, GERMAN EMPIRE/CZECHOSLOVAKIA) , Part de Fondateur, 1900, pink, green, , watermark printer
Nr: 375 CHARBONNAGES DE BONNE-ESPERANCE S.A. (COALMINING, BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1921, blue, buff, black, coal mine, co.name in the clouds with sun rays
Nr: 376 CLUB MEDITERRANEE S.A. (HOTELS & TOURISM, FRANCE) , Action de F25, 19.., blue, buff, co.logo, water mark pattern of printer
Nr: 377 MINAS Y SONDEOS S.A., CIA. GEN. DE (MINING, SPAIN) , Cedula de fundador, 1901, black, orange, blue, miner, angel, lion, city view, sun, coat-of-arms, equipment, bats, leaf, Artist: Lamiri J., watermark
Nr: 379 LA COTE VERMEILLE S.A.FR. (HOTELS & TOURISM, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1928, yellow, red, bathing resort at sea, art deco style
Nr: 381 NEW-YORK CENTRAL RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Bond of $1000, 6%, 1853, black, red, allegorical figures with eagle, city view & map, boat on river with bridge, hs. Erastus Corning
Nr: 382 TEXAS SHORT LINE RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 1000$ F. Mortg. 20 Yr 5% Gold Coupon Bond, 1902, green, gold seal, train leaving station near horses, gold seal with Texas star, medaillon, indian in underprint
Nr: 383 WEST SHORE RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 1000$ F. Mortg. Guar. Bond 4%, 1885, green, black, large vignette of ships on river and train, coat-of-arms, children, Large vignette of train on rear, vignettes on coupons
Nr: 384 KANAWHA AND MICHIGAN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , 1000$ F. Mortg. 4% 100 Yr Gold Bond, 1890, brown, black, indian, child, trains in station, allegorical animals, dear on rear
Nr: 385 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , 1000 $ Gen. Mortg. 4,5% Gold Bond, 1926, brown, black, trains leaving station
Nr: 387 CHEMINS DE FER GARANTIS DES COLONIES FR., CIE. DES (RAILROADS, COCHIN CHINA/FRENCH INDOCHINA/VIETNAM) , Obligation de F500, 3%, 1884, yellow, black, rich oriental border with palm trees, buddha's, pagoda's, bridges, trains, elephant, harbour, tige
Nr: 390 MOURIER S.A. (LEATHER/FUR, FRANCE) , Action B de F100, 1927, green, underprint : large scene of hunting eskimo's and dogs in the mountains
Nr: 392 ELECTRICA DE VIESGO, S.A. (ELECTRICAL/DAM, SPAIN) , Obligacion de 1000 Ptas 6,75%, 1956, green, light green, large vignette of dam
Nr: 396 UNITED SUMATRA RUBBER ESTATES, LTD. (AGRICULTURE/RUBBER/COCONUT, INDONESIA) , 25 Shares of 2 Shilling, 1926, blue, man taking rubber from tree, repaired
Nr: 397 LES GRANDES PRODUCTIONS ARTISTIQUES S.A. (FILM, BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1936, green, orange,
Nr: 399 CHARBONNAGES S.A., CIE. GEN. DE (COALMINING, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Action deF500, 1900, black, pink, border with coal rocks, mining equipment, miners near lift, miners digging under the ground, Artist: Posch, Ch.
Nr: 400 MINES DE PLOMB ET DE ZINC DU DJEBEL OUDIBA, S.A. (MINING, TUNISIA/FRANCE) , Part de Fondateur, 1924, blue, orange, large vignette of mines near village, arab columns, miner, mining equipment, arabic? watermark
Nr: 401 MINES DE PLOMB ET DE ZINC DU DJEBEL OUDIBA, S.A. (MINING, TUNISIA/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1924, brown, green, large vignette of mines near village, arab columns, miner, mining equipment
Nr: 402 COMPTOIRS FRANCO-AFRICAINS, SOC.GEN.DES (IMPORT  & EXPORT/COLONIAL,FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1925, green, dark green, photogravures of africans in villages, vignettes of steamers
Nr: 408 B. SIRVEN SOC. EN COMM. PAR ACTIONS (PRINTING, FRANCE) , Obligation de F500 4,5%, 1911, brown, buff, black, large vignette of painting woman and child near litho, portraits, Artist: Luigi, Loir, extremely decorative chromolithograph
Nr: 734 BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE (BANKS, CHINA/FRANCE) , Action ordinaire de F500, 1920, yellow, black, red, large scene with dragons, lions, industrial city near mountains with trains running on bridge over Great Wall, pagode
Nr: 735 CHARBONNAGES DE BEERINGEN, S.A. DES (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1919, blue, yellow, cock, lion, leaves, coal-pit, detailed map of Benelux, map in underprint of the region of Beringen
Nr: 736 EGYPTIAN CREDIT FONCIER S.A. (BANKS, EGYPT/FRANCE) , 1/10th of Foundation Part, 1905, brown, black, red, border with oriental motifs and small moon, Artist: Leclerc L.
Nr: 737 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPTE, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/WATER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1897, green, light green, underprint: oasis, palmtrees, arabs, pyramids, ancient elements
Nr: 738 COLOMBIA SOC. FRANCO-ROMANA DE PETROL (PETROLEUM, RUMANIA/FRANCE) , Actiune de Lei 500, 1921, pink, black,
Nr: 740 DAHOMEY, SOC. FRANCAISE DU (IMPORT & EXPORT, AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FR./DAHOMEY) , Action de F150, 1923, multicolor, African, village, palms, pine-apples, coconuts, crocodile, coat-of-arms, map of Dahomey in underprint
Nr: 741 EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE ET PERMANENTE, SOC.CIV.D.L' (EXPOSITION, FRANCE) , Obligation de F500 5%, 1862, black, view of the pavillions, border enriched with lots of angels and industrial themes, Artist: Catenacci, H. - Morice, E., hs. by Ch. Viboux,
Nr: 416 SOFT DATA S.A. (SOFTWARE/CONSULTANCY, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F1000, specimen, 1974, gray, black, , watermark pattern
Nr: 417 FRANCO-MALGACHE S.A., CIE. GEN. (AGRICULTURE, MADAGASCAR) , Part de Fondateur, 1899, black, green, border met african elements
Nr: 419 MULTICAP S.A. (HOLDING ?? BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, numbered but unissued, 1967, green, yellow, black,
Nr: 421 GRAPHITES DE LA SAHANAVO S.A., SOC. DES (MINING, MADAGASCAR/FRANCE) , Part Bénéficiaire, 1926, brown, yellow,
Nr: 597 SULTANATS DU HAUT-OUBANGUI S.A.FR., SOC. NOUV. DES (IMPORT & EXPORT/PROPERTY, AFRIQUE EQUATORIALE FR.) , Action de F100, 1927, blue, buff-orange, border makes up full scene with natives near river village, palmtree, riverboat, co.logo with ivory b
Nr: 433 FRANCO-RUSSE DE PROD. CHIMIQUES ET D'EXPLOSIFS,SOC (CHEMICALS/EXPLOSIFS, RUSSIA/FRANCE) , Action de Priorité de F100, 1895, blue, light blue, small vignette of miner watching explosion, Artist: Poyet
Nr: 434 AMBOIM S.A.R.L., CIA. DO (IMPORT&EXPORT/SHIPPING/AGRICULTURE, ANGOLA/PORTUG.) , 1 acçao de 100 Esc., 1927, brown, black, alleg.duo with coat-of-arms of lion, ship near village, train behind palm trees, cows, goat, ropes
Nr: 435 AGRICOLA DE ANGOLA S.A.R.L., CIA. (AGRICULTURE, ANGOLA/Portugal) , Acçao de 1 £, 1928, blue, yellow, fruit etc.
Nr: 438 FINANCIERE LIEGEOISE, SOC. (BANK/STOCK EXCHANGE, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F500, unissued, 1925, red, orange, green, coat-of-arms of city of Liège, Stock Exchange of Brussels
Nr: 439 TOLEDO, CITY OF (CITY / REAL ESTATE, USA) , $5000 Project Note Ohio R-22 and Ohio A-2, 1976, blue, black on green paper, eagle
Nr: 440 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 100 Common Shares, 1957, blue, black, allegorical female figure flanked by two loco's
Nr: 444 PETIT JOURNAL, S.A. DU (PRINTING/PRESS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1896, buff, black, farmer, sower, view on the company, ships in harbour with lighthouse, Marinoni printing machine, etc, Artist: Meyer, Meaulle, fs. H. Marinoni, watermark of co. Na
Nr: 445 PHILIPPINE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CO. (TELEPHONE, PHILIPPINES/USA) , Less than 100 common shares of 10 Pesos, 1973,  blue, black, allegorical woman with winged wheel flanked by 2 globes, printed seal with telephone
Nr: 471 C.D.F. BELGES, SOC. NATIONALE DES (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F25000, 1969-1977-1984, 6,75%, 1969, buff, black on green paper, train, watermark pattern of co.logo
Nr: 476 TRUST COLONIAL S.A. (BANK/COLONIAL, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1899, red, pink, art deco border with flowers, women with book and map, mercury helmet, Artist: Malvaux, Jean
Nr: 477 TRUST COLONIAL S.A. (BANK/COLONIAL, BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1899, blue, green, art deco border with flowers, women with book and map, mercury helmet, Artist: Malvaux, Jean
Nr: 484 BRAZIL RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, BRAZIL/USA) , 1 Preferred share of $100, 1912, red, pink, black, large vignette of train on bridge over river, vignette of train on rear, watermark of co. Name
Nr: 485 L'AUTO-METALLURGIQUE S.A. (AUTOMOBILES, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 5%, 1913, red, orange,
Nr: 488 BARCELONA TRACTION, LIGHT AND POWER CO. LTD (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRIC UTIL., SPAIN/CANADA) , 1 Ordinary share of $50, 1929, red, black, yellow, View on the Ramblas in Barcelona, street car, statue of Colombus with palm trees, watermark of co.name, vignet
Nr: 490 ARGENTINE RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, ARGENTINA/USA) , 1 Common share of 100$, 1912, brown, black, , embossed seal indicating date 1912
Nr: 492 LEHIGH VALLEY TERMINAL RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , $1000 First Mortg. 5% Gold Bond, 1891, brown, black, train near factory at harbour with ship
Nr: 493 TOLEDO, ST.LOUIS AND WESTERN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , $5000 Prior Lien 3,5% Gold Bond, 1900, red, black, locomotive, young lady
Nr: 494 ESCANABA, IRON MOUNTAIN AND WESTERN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , $1000 First Mortg. Bond 5%, 1890, green, black, classical woman, labour man, train on bridge in front of mountains
Nr: 496 BUFFELSDOORN ESTATE AND GOLD MINING CO. LTD., THE (GOLD MINING, TRANSVAAL/SOUTH AFRICA) , 25 Shares of £1, 1907,  green, black, buffel, mining sceen, machinery, factory in mountains, variant : lower border '25' upside d. no flowers, date 190.
Nr: 497 PLANTATIONS DES TERRES-ROUGES (AGRICULTURE/RUBBER/COLONIAL, FR. INDOCHINA/VIETNAM) , 1/20 de Part Bénéficiaire, 1929, buff, green,  local man at machine, rubber tapper in forest
Nr: 498 PALMEGGER S.C.R.L., SOC. DES ETS. EGGER FRERES (AGRICULTURE/COLONIAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1958, brown, black, pink, palmtree
Nr: 499 SUCRERIE NOTRE-DAME A OREYE S.A. (SUGAR, BELGIUM) , Action de F500, unissued, 1901, blue, orange,
Nr: 505 ENSEIGNE LUMINEUSE UNIVERSELLE S.A. (ELECTRIC LIGHT, BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1925, green, blue, , hs. Baron Jean de Dorlodot (glass manuf. Family)
Nr: 506 PERA PALACE HOTEL DE CONSTANTINOPLE S.A. (HOTELS, TURKEY/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1922, blue, green,
Nr: 508 FERRO-CARRILES DE MONTANA A GRANDES PENDIENTES (RAILROAD, SPAIN) , Accion Ptas. 250, 1893, pink, black, 7 vignettes of Spanish mountain scenes with train, Artist: Prötel
Nr: 510 BELGO CANADIAN PULP AND PAPER CO. S.A., THE (PAPER, CANADA/BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1917, green, yellow, black, Vignette of paper mill near river, deer left and right, flower  an company name in clouds, vignette of 2 deer on coupons
Nr: 511 BARCELONA TRACTION, LIGHT AND POWER CO. LTD (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRIC UTIL., SPAIN/CANADA) , 1 Ordinary share of $100 Gold, 1913, red, black, View on the Ramblas in Barcelona, street car, statue of Colombus with palm trees, watermark of co.name, vignette
Nr: 512 MANUFACTURES CERAMIQUES D'HEMIXEM S.A. (POTTERY/CERAMICS, BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1950, red, green, border with plenty of art deco elements and Mercury head
Nr: 513 ZEMSKA BANKA, AZELOTT A CSEH KIRALYSAG ORSZAGOS B. (BANK, CZECHOSLOVAKIA) , 5% Comm. Bond 500 Czechoslovak Crowns, uniss.canc., 1922, buff, black, green, red, allegor. woman in front of Bohemian hills with castles, view of Prague, coat-of-arms,lea
Nr: 516 METALLURGIE EGYPTIENNE S.A.EGYPTIENNE, SOC. DE (METAL, EGYPT) , 25 Actions de L.E. 4, 1950, geen, black,  ancient winged scarabee in border with lotus flowers, text in french and arabic
Nr: 517 C.D.F. ECONOMIQUES DE L'EST EGYPTIEN S.A., CIE.DES (RAILROAD, EGYPT) , 3,5% Bond of 504 Fr. = 20 £, 1897, blue, grey, , embossed seal with sphinx and pyramid
Nr: 518 COMMERCIAL AND ESTATES CO. OF EGYPT, THE (SHOPS/WOOD, EGYPT) , Part de Fondation, 1904, buff, black, shop, storehouse with wood, boats on the nile near arab village, ancient double headed wings, islamic motives, text in english, arab and french, e
Nr: 519 EGYPTIENNE D'ENTREPRISES URBAINES ET RURALES, SOC. (BUILDING/PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 25 Actions de £4, 1905, green, land surveyor equipment, well, building under construction
Nr: 520 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 1 Ordinary Share of £5, unissued, 1905, blue, green, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal
Nr: 521 FONCIERE DU DOMAINE DE CHEIKH FADL S.A., SOC. (PROPERTY/BANK, EGYPT) , 10 Actions de L.Eg. 4, 1938, black, purple, farmers binding wood on dromedary, palm trees, farmer with ploughing oxen at dawn near the Nile
Nr: 522 FONCIERE DU DOMAINE DE CHEIKH FADL S.A., SOC. (PROPERTY/BANK, EGYPT) , 10 Actions de L.Eg. 4, 1945, black, grey, farmers binding wood on dromedary, palm trees, farmer with ploughing oxen at dawn near the Nile, text in arabic and french
Nr: 523 ALEXANDRIA INSURANCE CO. S.A. EGYPTIENNE, THE (INSURANCE, EGYPT) , 5 Actions Nom., 1950, blue, green, large underprint of ancient tower of Alexandria at the Nile, border with ancient lotus flowers, text in arabic and french, embossed seal
Nr: 524 HELOUAN (EGYPT) DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD (AGRICULTURE/PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 10 Ordinary Shares of £1, 1907, red, green, border with ancient elements, underprint of piramids, palm-trees,sfinx, arabs and camel in dessert, art nouveau border, embossed seal
Nr: 525 BIERE LES PYRAMIDES S.A. EGYPTIENNE, SOC. DE (BEER, EGYPT) , 5 Actions de L.Eg. 2, 1956, brown, buff, large star ( beer mark ) in underprint, text in french and arabic
Nr: 528 ELECTRICITY AND ICE SUPPLY CO. S.A. (ELECTR. POWER/ICE, EGYPT) , 5 Actions de L. Eg. 4, 1907, blue, grey, black, electricity poles, generator hall, engine, jugendstil element in underprint, even with the stamps very decorative
Nr: 529 ELECTRICITY AND ICE SUPPLY CO. S.A. (ELECTR. POWER/ICE, EGYPT) , 1 Action de L. Eg. 4, 1920, brown, buff, black, electricity poles, generator hall, engine, jugendstil element in underprint, even with the stamps very decorative
Nr: 532 INDUSTRIES CHIMIQUES (KIMA), SOC. EGYPT. POUR LES (CHEMICALS, EGYPT) , 25 Actions de L.Eg. 2, 1956, blue, grey, green, chemical plant in underprint, text in french and arabic
Nr: 533 INDUSTRIES CHIMIQUES (KIMA), SOC. EGYPT. POUR LES (CHEMICALS, EGYPT) , 10 Actions de L.Eg. 2, 1956, green, grey, light green, chemical plant in underprint, text in french and arabic
Nr: 652 GEO. TIBERGHIEN, S.A. (WINE/BEER/WATER, BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1925, blue, light blue, red, grapes, grape leafs, 2 coat-of-arms :  Antwerp city and playing card  red  ace of spades, ear
Nr: 538 C.D.F. VICINAUX DU MAYUMBE S.A.R.L., SOC. DES (RAILROAD, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1898, brown, green, yellow, large vignette of african with musical instrument, train approaching village, map of Mayumbe, Artist: Hens, Frans
Nr: 653 AUTOMOBILES METEOR S.A., CIE. DES (AUTOMOBILES, FRANCE) , Part bénéficiaire, 1906, blue, brown, border in Jugendstil, watermark pattern; condition : repaired but VF/EF
Nr: 830 NAVIGATIUNE PE DUNARE S.R.D., SOC. AN. ROMANA DE (SHIPPING, RUMANIA) , Actiune Nom. 500 Lei, 1919, brown, black, large scenes with ships, sailors with anchor, harbour, ropes, flowers, river bridge
Nr: 667 MÜSZI AG F. LANDW. BETRIEBSORG.,RECHENTECHNIK U. INFORMATIK (SOFTWARE/CONSULTANCY, HUNGARY) , 1 Namensaktie von 10.000 Ft, 1991, green, brown, , watermark pattern of printers logo
Nr: 833 SCHANTUNG-EISENBAHN-GESELLSCHAFT (RAILROADS, CHINA/GERMANY) , Genuss-schein, 1900, brown, green, 4 small corner vignettes of winged wheel, watermark pattern
Nr: 539 TRAMWAYS DE GALATZ S.A. BELGE, LES (RAILROAD/TRAMWAY, RUMANIA/BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1900, brown-purple, green, Coat-of-arms in underprint
Nr: 542 TRAMWAYS ELECTRIQUES ET DE VOIES FERREES, SOC. FR. (RAILROAD/TRAMWAYS, FRANCE) , Part de Fondateur, 1899, blue, pink, 4 cornervignettes of tramway wagons, lighthouse, electric light, border with oak leafs, flowers, condition VF-
Nr: 549 WESTERN RACING, INC. (SPORTS/DOG-RACING, USA) , Shares of $0.1, 1958, orange, black, racing dog
Nr: 552 COLLINS RADIO CO. (RADIO/TELECOM/COMPUTERS, USA) , 100 Common shares of $1, 1970-1972, blue, black, Mercury flanced by 2 globes, corporate seal with winged globe, radio of the astronauts
Nr: 553 THE WASHINGTON POST CO. (PRINTING & PRESS, USA) , 100 Class B Common Shares of $1 - domestic shares, 1971,  blue, black,  the Capitol building, watermark 'American Bank Note Co.'
Nr: 557 CROWN BREWERY S.A. (BEER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F100, 1920, blue, green, crown
Nr: 560 BUFFELSDOORN ESTATE AND GOLD MINING CO. LTD., THE (GOLD MINING, TRANSVAAL/BOERS/SOUTH AFRICA) , 25 Shares of £1, 1899,  green, black, buffel, mining sceen, machinery, factory in mountains, variant : lower border with shadowed '25' & flowers,date 1
Nr: 567 AVIAPARTNER N.V. (AVIATION SERVICES/CLEANING/SECURITY, BELGIUM) , Aandeel, 1991, red, yellow, black, co.logo,  watermark pattern of medaillon
Nr: 573 NASHVILLE ELECTRONICS, INC. (ELECTRONICS, USA) , Common shares of 10 c, 1964, orange, black,  eagle on rock
Nr: 574 CHEMTRONIC CORPORATION (ELECTRONICS, USA) , Common shares of $0.10, 1961, orange, black,  eagle on rock
Nr: 576 L'ABEILLE MAROCAINE S.A. (TEXTILE, MOROCCO) , Part de Fondateur, , blue, yellow, looming machine, corner vignettes of bees
Nr: 579 HELSTRA N.V. (SHOPS/RADIO, BELGIUM) ,  Aandeel van F1000, 1955, blue, brown, green, , Belgian shop of the Helikon radio's
Nr: 581 FERRO-CARRILES DE MONTANA A GRANDES PENDIENTES (RAILROAD, SPAIN) , Accion Ptas. 250, 1891, pink, black, 7 vignettes of Spanish mountain scenes with train, Artist: Prötel
Nr: 586 UNITED STATES LINES CO. (SHIPPING, USA) , 100 Common shares of $1, 1947, orange, black, steamship on the ocean with Mercury and godess in the clouds
Nr: 587 INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE MARINE CO. (SHIPPING, USA) , Less than 100 common shares, 1916, brown, black, steamship in harbour surrounded by smaller vessels, goddess sitting on deck
Nr: 591 BOSTON AND ALBANY RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , Less than 100 shares os $100, 1941, oliv, black, train on bridge over river approaching city, indian, steamer with smaller vessels,godesses with beehive and coat-of-arms
Nr: 831 NAVIGATIUNE PE DUNARE S.R.D., SOC. AN. ROMANA DE (SHIPPING, RUMANIA) , Actiune Nom. 500 Lei, 1921, blue, green, large scenes with ships, sailors with anchor, harbour, ropes, flowers, river bridge
Nr: 593 SHEPHEARD'S AND EGYPTIAN HOTELS CO. S.A.E., THE (HOTELS/CASINO, EGYPT) , 5 Actions ordinaires, 1959, green, small vignette of ancient lotus flowers, small vignette of pharao godess with two peacock, text in french and arabic
Nr: 600 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (ELECTRONICS/MICROPROCESSORS, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of $.50, 1970,  orange, black, woman with two globes in front of city
Nr: 608 L'EOLIENNE, S.A. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1920, brown, buff, black, looming machine on globe
Nr: 612 TISSAGE LEVIATHAN MOURZOUCOS ET CIE., S.A. DE (TEXTILE, GREECE) , 10 Actions de 1 £, 1928, red, pink, green, textile factory in the Greek mountains at dawn (multicolor), co. logo (hexagon) in border
Nr: 613 GLACIERES DE PATISSIA, S.A. DES (FOOD/ICE, GREECE) , 1 Action, 1922, brown, black, green, buff, border with penguins, ice cubes, machinery, medaillon of goddess, art deco elements
Nr: 614 AVIATION CORP. OF THE AMERICAS (AVIATION, USA) , 100 shares, 1930, green, black,
Nr: 615 NIPPON OMOSHI (TEXTILE?, JAPAN) , 5 shares of 50 yen - Meiji 38 (1905), 1905, brown, buff, black, red, border with ropes, embossed seal
Nr: 617 LESBOS TOURISM CO. (HOTELS & TOURISM, GREECE) , 20 Shares of 30 Drachme, 1956, green, yellow, ancient greek coins, detailed map of Lesbos, ancient pillars, even with the stamps an attractive piece
Nr: 618 LESBOS TOURISM CO. (HOTELS & TOURISM, GREECE) , 50 Shares of 30 Drachme, 1956, red, orange, ancient greek coins, detailed map of Lesbos, ancient pillars, even with the stamps an attractive piece
Nr: 619 LA CADENA-HELICE S.A. INDUSTRIAL - PATENT 53.902 (PATENTS/PRECISION MECHANICS, SPAIN) , Accion preferente de 500 Pts, 1914, green, black, vignette of the invented Cadena-Helice ' helix chain ' with water irrigating purpose
Nr: 621 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 4% Consolidated mortgage gold bond, 1913, steel blue, black, train '3404' coming from bridge running along river with ship and rowers, coupons with portrait of woman with fancy hat
Nr: 622 CHICAGO INDIANA AND SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 50 Year 4% gold bond of 1906, 1906, orange, black, train arriving in station with passengers and lugage, embossed seal, cat. CHI-288-B-40 ic
Nr: 623 MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 3,5% Gold bond, 1902, steel blue, black, train arriving in station, vignette of medaillon of female head on rear
Nr: 624 BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 4,25% Improvement Bond of 1928, 1928, blue, black, large railway station with arriving, leaving and waiting trains, hs. William Endicott (Jr.)
Nr: 626 CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND ST.LOUIS RWY CO (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 4% General mortgage gold bond, 1893, brown, black, vignette of ' The Reapers ', train left, train right, rear vignettes: Liberty, locomotive; coupon vignette : train
Nr: 627 CLEVELAND, CINCINATTI, CHICAGO AND ST.LOUIS RWY CO (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 4,5% Refunding and improv. mortgage bond, 1927, blue, black, vignette of train coming from bridge with another train running over the bridge, coupon vignette : train
Nr: 628 THEATRES ET CASINOS NICOIS, S.A. DES (CASINO/THEATRE, FRANCE) , 5 Actions de F100, 1925, blue,
Nr: 639 METALLURGIQUE DNIEPROVIENNE DU MIDI DE LA RUSSIE (METAL WORKS, RUSSIA/POLAND) , 5% Obligation de 250 Roubles, 1890, brown, grey, black, very decorative border depicting metal workers, blast-furnices, equipment, text in Russian and French
Nr: 644 LA GRANDE BRASSERIE DE LILLE S.A. (BEER, FRANCE) , 4,25% Obligation de F100 - emission Octobre 1945, 1946, green, black, Company logo 'V' in underprint.,  watermark
Nr: 645 BRASSERIE COOPERATIVE DU TILLEUL S.A.C.V. (BEER, FRANCE) , Action nominative de F100, 1951, green, blue, border with jugendstil design depicting hops, hay-stack in underprint, typo : first date 1926 should be 1906; grease spots
Nr: 646 BRASSERIE COOPERATIVE DU TILLEUL S.A.C.V. (BEER, FRANCE) , Action nominative de F25, 1933, green, blue, border with jugendstil design depicting hops, hay-stack in underprint
Nr: 651 TRASATLANTICA S.A., CIA. (SHIPPING, SPAIN) , Accion preferente nom. 500 Ptas, 1913, pink-buff, black, blue, passenger ship crossing the sea, lots of flowers, anchor, helm, company flag, Artist: designer but too small to be readable, large watermar
Nr: 655 ROME, WATERTOWN AND OGDENSBURGH RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $1000 7% First cons. conv. mortg. Bond of 1904, 1874, black, red, train along river with bridge, medaillon with allegorical women, tourists looking at the Niagara Falls, cat. Cox ROM
Nr: 664 TOPAS COMPUTER CORPORATION (SERVICES, USA) , 100 Common shares of $0.01, 1970, blue, black, eagle with spreaded wings, printed seal
Nr: 630 PIRAEUS-ATHENS-PELOPONNESUS RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, GREECE) , 5 Bonds 4%2500 Gold Drachme-2500Frs-100Pds-2020Mks, 1912, brown, buff, locomotive, Mercury, coat-of-arms of the people of Athens, Patreon, Aigieon, Naiplieon, Korinthion, Peiraion, larg
Nr: 632 CHARLES FIX BRASSERIE MALTERIE ET FABR. DE GLACE (BEER, GREECE) , 1 Action de 250 Drachmes, 1928, brown, buff-yellow, Large underprint of hops, text in Greek and French
Nr: 633 CUBA RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, CUBA/USA) , Less than 100 Preferred Shares o f $100, 1936, orange, black, loco
Nr: 634 LE GRAND BAZAR DE LA PLACE SAINT-LAMBERT S.A. (SHOPS, BELGIUM) , Action, 1924, green, yellow, black, Le Grand Bazar, border vignettes of saint and fountain
Nr: 635 ARMEMENT MARITIME, SOC.BELGE (SHIPPING/TRANSPORT/SHIPBUILDING, BELGIUM) , 6% Bon de caisse F500 - inscr.hypoth.sur navires, 1919, red, green, black, city view of harbour of Antwerp, globes, coats-of-arms, anchors, ropes, life-buoy, sea-weed etc.
Nr: 636 NOUVELLE LINIERE DU CANAL S.A. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Action de capital de F100, 1912, brown, gray, woman near textile machinery, bobbins, factory near canal, globe, linen, hs. Edouard Anseele
Nr: 672 NEW CHIMES GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, TRANSVAAL/SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound Stg, 1895, green, black, chapel tower flanked by bells, bells in corners, bells in underprint
Nr: 673 LA CONCORDE, S.A. (SPORTS/GYMNASTICS/PUB, BELGIUM) , Action de F25, 1906,  black, Capitals 'L' and 'C' in Jugendstil design
Nr: 674 PETROLERA MEXICANA FAROS DE AZTLAN S.A., CIA. (OIL, MEXICO) , 50 Acciones de 50 Pesos Oro Nacional, 1916, blue, brown, black, superb vignette of ancient aztec priest, splendid border with ancient motifs, vignettes of aztec? city, oil well
Nr: 680 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY CO. LTD, THE STATE OF BAHIA (RAILROADS/STATE, BRAZIL) , First Mortg. Gold Bond 6% 10 Pounds, 1915, green, black,
Nr: 688 EGYPTIAN LAND AND GENERAL TRUST LTD (EGYPT, PROPERTY/HOLDING) , 5 Shares of 1 Pound Sterling, 1907, green, red, large scene near piramids and sfinx : temple ruin, crocodiles in the Nile, arabs with camels, distant village, palms
Nr: 691 ASSOCIATIONS DE LA PRESSE (PRINTING & PRESS, FRANCE) , Emprunt de 10000000 F., bon de F25, 1887, green, black, stylished border with allegorical figures, Artist: Duval, Georges, fs. Alfred Mézières, embossed seal with woman
Nr: 693 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPTE, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/WATER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1897, green, olive, underprint: oasis, palmtrees, arabs, pyramids, ancient elements
Nr: 694 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPTE, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/WATER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action Privilégiée de F500, 1909, red, blue,
Nr: 699 IMMOBILIERE D'EGYPTE S.A., CIE. (PROPERTY, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1900, blue, pink, border with flowers
Nr: 700 STATIONERY INDUSTRIES S.A. EGYPTIENNE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT, EGYPT) , 25 Action de L.E. 4 Nominat., 1956, blue, green, ancient temple gate in underprint, text in French and Arabic
Nr: 701 STATIONERY INDUSTRIES S.A. EGYPTIENNE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT, EGYPT) , 5 Action de L.E. 4 Nominat., 1956, brown, buff-orange, ancient temple gate in underprint, text in French and Arabic
Nr: 705 EGYPTIAN CREDIT FONCIER S.A. (BANKS, EGYPT/FRANCE) , Share of £ 20 or Frs. 500, 1905, green, black, border with columns and oriental motifs, sfinx and pyramid in underprint, embossed seal; text in French, English and Arabic
Nr: 708 NOUVELLE LINIERE DU CANAL S.A. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Action de dividende, 1924, orange, pink, woman near textile machinery, bobbins, factory near canal, globe, linen
Nr: 712 SIEMENS ELEKTRISCHE BETRIEBE AG (ELECTRICALS, GERMANY/SWITZERLAND) , Teilschuldverschreibung 500 Franken=405 Mark 4,5%, 1908, blue, black,
Nr: 713 FABRICATION DES GLACES, SOC. BELGO-RUSSE POUR LA (GLASS, RUSSIA) , Action de 93 Roubles 75 Cop. = 250 F, 1912, brown, black, vignette of ships on river loading near factory, lion in underprint, small lions in stylished border, watermark pattern
Nr: 714 OLD COLONY RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , $100O Bond 6% ( brown back, 'USA' on ribbon ), 1876, green, carriages in front of train at wharf with ships, hs. by Uriel Crocker, embossed seal with locomotive
Nr: 717 CHEMINS DE FER PROVINCIAUX, S.A. DE (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Coupure d'Action Privilégiée de F250, 1909, red, buff,
Nr: 719 LEFRANC ET CIE. S.A., SOC. DES BREVETS ETRANGERS (MEDICINE/CHEMICALS/PATENTS, FRANCE) , Part Bénéficiaire, 1925, green, dark green, flowery border with corner vignettes of bacilli in microscopic view, forest, laboratory .., fs. Le Franc
Nr: 721 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 1 Ordinary Share of £5, 1905, blue, green, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal
Nr: 725 EGYPTIAN DELTA LIGHT RAILWAYS LTD (RAILROADS, EGYPT/UK) , 5 Preference shares of 10 Pounds 5,5% cumulative, 1906, red, black, co.logo with silhouet of piramyd
Nr: 726 EGYPTIAN DELTA LIGHT RAILWAYS LTD (RAILROADS, EGYPT/UK) , 1 Preference share of 10 Pounds 5,5% cumulative, 1904, blue, black, co.logo with silhouet of piramyd
Nr: 785 MAGNUM COMMUNICATIONS CORP (TOURISM/PROPERTY, USA) , 100 common shares of $0.01, 1970, blue, black, co.logo
Nr: 786 METRO-TEL CORP. (ELECTRONICS/TELECOM, USA) , 100 Common shares of $ 0.025, 1971, blue, black, co.logo
Nr: 793 FORD MOTOR CO. OF CANADA LTD (AUTOMOBILES, CANADA/NETHERLANDS/USA) , 10 Aandelen class A, specimen, 1929, orange, buff,
Nr: 795 NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE CONVERSIE-LEENING 1934 A (STATE, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Obligatie van 500 Gulden 4%, specimen, 1934, green, black, airoplane flying over sailing ship and cargo in the distance, small dragons and lions, Wayang puppets in und
Nr: 796 NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE CONVERSIE-LEENING 1934 A (STATE, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Obligatie van 100 Gulden 4%, specimen, 1934, brown, black, airoplane flying over sailing ship and cargo in the distance, small dragons and lions, Wayang puppets in und
Nr: 801 SOFINCO, SOC. FINANCIERE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU CONGO (HOLDING/PROPERTY, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Part de Fondateur, 1928, brown, pink, black, co.logo in clouds, border with Congo star, lions guarding coat-of-arms
Nr: 804 ITAC S.A.R.L. (TRANSPORT, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de F100, 1928, brown, green, black,
Nr: 805 COTTON EXPORT COY. OF EGYPT S.A. EGYPT. (AGRICULTURE/COTTON, EGYPT) , 10 Actions de 10 L.Egypt., 1919, red, pink-orange,
Nr: 806 EGYPTIAN IMPROVEMENTS CORPORATION (PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 1 Action de 4 L.E., 1906, orange, blue, border with ancient Egyptian snakes, sfinxes, lotus flowers, double headed winged cobras, eagle, torch in underprint
Nr: 807 EGYPTIENNE D'ENTREPRISES URBAINES ET RURALES, SOC. (BUILDING/PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 10 Actions de £4, 1905, brown, land surveyor equipment, well, building under construction, scace, stamp actions rachetees et annulées en 1910
Nr: 811 FAYOUM LIGHT RAILWAYS CO. S.A. (RAILROADS, EGYPT) , 4% Debenture for 20 Pounds Sterling, 1899, green, dark-green, ancient Egyptian columns, double-headed eagle, pharao, high-priest, hieroglyphs, train in front of pyramids
Nr: 812 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN (STATE/ELECTRICAL/TELECOM, CANADA) , Debenture 8,70%, 1976, green, black, coat-of-arms surrounded with indian chief with arrows and bow, cowboy farmer with rifle, beaver, buffalo
Nr: 814 NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE PETROLEUM MIJ. (PETROLEUM, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Preferent Aandeel 1000 Gulden, specimen, 1896, blue, oliv, elegant design with early petroleum installation in Indonesian jungle in the underprint
Nr: 815 NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE PETROLEUM MIJ. (PETROLEUM, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Gewoon Aandeel 1000 Gulden, specimen, 1896, orange-brown, blue, oliv, elegant design with early petroleum installation in Indonesian jungle in the underprint
Nr: 817 EXPANSION GOLD MINES CO. (GOLD MINING, USA) , Shares of $1, 1906, brown, black, gold seal, Mill next to stream  in steep walled valley in the mountains, flowers, watermark,scarce
Nr: 821 CANAVERAL INTERNATIONAL CORP. (PROPERTY/SPACECRAFT, USA) , 100 Common shares of $.50, 1968, green, black, satellites orbiting the world
Nr: 823 FRANCAISE DE T.S.F., SOC. (RADIO, FRANCE) , Obligation de F500 7%, 1929, green, black,
Nr: 824 EGYPTIAN MARKETS CO. S.A.E, THE (IMPORT & EXPORT/TRADING, EGYPT) , 5 Shares of 1.2 Pounds, , green, large co.logo with pyramid in underprint
Nr: 825 EGYPTIAN MARKETS CO. S.A.E, THE (IMPORT & EXPORT/TRADING, EGYPT) , 50 Shares of 1.2 Pounds, , pink, purple, large co.logo with pyramid in underprint
Nr: 826 EGYPTIAN MARKETS CO. S.A.E, THE (IMPORT & EXPORT/TRADING, EGYPT) , 1 Share of 1.2 Pounds, , orange, large co.logo with pyramid in underprint
Nr: 827 EGYPTIAN MARKETS CO. S.A.E, THE (IMPORT & EXPORT/TRADING, EGYPT) , 100 Shares of 1.2 Pounds, , blue, large co.logo with pyramid in underprint
Nr: 835 TRAMVAIELOR BUCURESTI SOC. COM. A (RAILROADS, RUMANIA) , Actiune Nominativa  a 500 Lei, 1922, blue, green, black, allegorical females with electrodes and winged wheel, coat-of-arms, tramway car, watermark pattern of co.logo and '500'
Nr: 837 TRAMVAIELOR BUCURESTI SOC. COM. A (RAILROADS, RUMANIA) , 20 Actiuni Nominat.  a 500 Lei, 1943, purple, black, allegorical females with electrodes and winged wheel, coat-of-arms, tramway car and bus, watermark pattern of co.logo
Nr: 839 DE STANDAARD N.V. (PRINTING & PRESS, BELGIUM) , Maatschappelijk aandeel, 1944+, blue, pink,
Nr: 860 ADAPTIVE INTELLIGENCE CORPORATION (ROBOTICS, USA) , Common shares, unissued, 198., brown, black, , industrial robots
Nr: 729 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION (AUTOMOBILES, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of $5, 1954/1955, red, black, allegorical male and female flanking the company's shield with GM logo
Nr: 730 LAITERIES ET BOUCHERIES REUNIS AU MAROC, CIE. DE (MILK/AGRICULTURE, MOROCCO/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1929, green, large scene of seated arab in front of city gate with mosque and palm tree, bull in upper corners
Nr: 731 TANNERIES ET CORROIERIES D'EUPEN S.A. (LEATHER, BELGIUM/GERMANY) , Part de Fondateur, 1923, blue, green, , overstamped Inhaber-Aktie 100 RM, 1942, Nazi Swastika
Nr: 732 UNIVERSAL GAS METHANE AND BUISSON HELLA CO., LTD (GAS, UK) , 5 Preference shares of 1 Pound, 1908, blue, black, gas light
Nr: 733 BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE DE CHINE (BANKS, CHINA/FRANCE) , Action ordinaire de F500, 1913, yellow, black, red, large scene with dragons, lions, industrial city near mountains with trains running on bridge over Great Wall, pagode, watermark pattern
Nr: 742 FRANKENSTEIN-MUNSTERBERG-NIMPTSCH'ER KREISBAHN-AG (RAILROADS, GERMANY) , Stamm-Aktie 1000 Mark, overstamped 900 Reichsmark, 1910, grey, blue, yellow,brown,black, , embossed seal, watermark pattern
Nr: 744 LUBEFU (S.A.), CIE. DU (AGRICULTURE, BELGIAN CONGO) , Part, 1908, purple, green,
Nr: 746 BULAN ELECTRIC AND ICE PLANT INC. (ELECTRICAL/ICE, PHILIPPINES) , Shares of 100 P., 1947, green, black, red seal, , 'Commonwealth of the Philippines' though already independant
Nr: 747 HUILERIES ET SAVONNERIES DE TUNISIE, CIE. FR. DES (COSMETICS/SOAP, TUNISIA/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1911, blue-green, large scene of Europeans with Africans in olive orchard, merchant on donkey selling soap, sunset at desert border
Nr: 749 MINOTERIE EUROTAS, S.A. DE (FOOD/FLOUR, GREECE) , 25 Actions de 100 Drachmes, 1926, brown, green, corn, horse carriages leaving the flour-mill with the flag of Greece, border with ancient columns
Nr: 750 MINOTERIE EUROTAS, S.A. DE (FOOD/FLOUR, GREECE) , 100 Actions de 100 Drachmes, 1926, brown, purple, corn, horse carriages leaving the flour-mill with the flag of Greece, border with ancient columns
Nr: 752 TRAMWAYS ET CHEMINS DE FER ROME-NORD, SOC. DES (TRAMWAYS/RAILROADS, ITALY/BELGIUM) , Part Sociale, 1913, brown, yellow, , watermark 'La Cote Libre Bruxelles'
Nr: 754 SUCRIERE D'ANNAM S.A., SOC. (AGRICULTURE/SUGAR, FRENCH INDOCHINA/VIETNAM/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1929, blue, dark blue, Plantation in underprint
Nr: 755 BASSES-PYRENEES ET PAYS BASQUES, C.D.F. ET TRAM.EL (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, SPAIN/FRANCE/Belgium) , Action Privilégiée de F250, 1911,  green, black, , watermark printer, condition VF except for some staining
Nr: 756 COMPUSAMP, INC. (ICT/SOFTWARE, USA) , 100 Common shares of $0.01, 1972, blue, black, eagle
Nr: 757 COMPUTER DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (SERVICES ICT, USA) , Common shares of $0.10, 1984, brown, blue, black, co.logo
Nr: 759 EGYPTIAN DELTA LIGHT RAILWAYS LTD (RAILROADS, EGYPT/UK) , 1 Preference share of 10 Pounds 5,5% cumulative, 1903, blue, black, co.logo with silhouet of piramyd
Nr: 760 EGYPTIAN DELTA LIGHT RAILWAYS LTD (RAILROADS, EGYPT/UK) , 5 Preference shares of 10 Pounds 5,5% cumulative, 1904, red, black, co.logo with silhouet of piramyd
Nr: 762 GHEZIREH ESTATES S.A. (PROPERTY/AGRICULTURE, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital ordinaire de F100, 1910, brown, green, black, , fs. Comte Le Grelle
Nr: 763 RIZERIES PARISIENNES, SOC. DES (FOOD/RICE, FRANCE) , Part de Fondateur, 1915, dark-green, pink, Chinese dragons, factory near the Seine river, photovignettes of the companies warehouses, all inc. in jugendstil border
Nr: 766 BURNDEPT WIRELESS LTD (RADIO, UK) , 7,5% Preferred Ordinary shares of 1 St., 1925, black,
Nr: 767 ST.LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 4% 2nd Mortgage Gold Income Bond $500, 1891, red-brown, black, oncoming loco nr. 188, train on rear, hs. Edwin Gould
Nr: 768 WASHINGTON, BALTIMORE AND ANNAPOLIS ELECTRIC RR.CO (TRAMWAYS/RAILROAD, USA) , 100 Common shares of $50, 1918, orange, black, angel holding scene of electric trolley and picture of the capital
Nr: 769 LIEGES DE LA MAMORA, SOC. DES (WOOD/CORK, MOROCCO) , Part de Fondateur, 1920, blue, buff, border with arabic motifs, islamic text, workers cutting cork trees, camels approaching arabic gates, text in arabic and french
Nr: 770 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPTE, S.A. (AGRICULTURE/WATER, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Part de Dividende, 1897, brown, underprint: oasis, palmtrees, arabs, pyramids, ancient elements
Nr: 773 ELECTRO-RADIO PRODUCTION (RADIO, FRANCE) , Titre nominatif de F1250 - 1938 - ristourne, 1938, blue, green, , ristourne sur l'achat d'un poste ASTORIA LUX 1938 T.S.F.
Nr: 774 ANALOGUE CONTROLS, INC. (ELECTRONICS, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of 1 cent, 1965, green, black, allegorical figure in lab doing tests, microscope, gear, generator
Nr: 782 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTR. AND DEVELOPMENT (BANKS, USA/NETHERLANDS) , Obligatie van 1000 USD 3% 15 Jul 1972, specimen, 1950, blue,grey,
Nr: 783 STOOMVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ NEDERLAND N.V. (SHIPPING, NETHERLANDS/EGYPT/NETHERLANDS INDIES) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, specimen, 1908, brown, black, small vignettes in border of Egyptian pyramids, native village on the Dutch East Indies, coat-of-arms of t
Nr: 784 PEPSI-COLA CO. (FOOD/DRINKS, USA/NETHERLANDS) , 10 Aandelen van $ 0.33 1/3, specimen, 1954, brown, black,
Nr: 879 ENTREPRISES MARITIMES BELGES S.A. (SHIPPING, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 6%, 1919, brown, buff,
Nr: 880 TRAMWAYS ET L'ECLAIR. EL. DE SARATOV, CIE. BELGE (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRICAL UTILITIES, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Action de Dividende, 1907, brown, buff, black, border with decorative elements, Artist: Posch, Ch.
Nr: 886 WADI KOM-OMBO, S.A. DE (PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 1 Action de 4 L.E., 1906, buff, black, ancient Egyptian woman with scythe in temple, factory in the distance behind temple ruines
Nr: 890 BRITISH LION FILM CORP. LTD (FILM, UK) , Ordinary stock certificate, 1946, blue, black, lions, B.L.F.C. coat-of-arms
Nr: 893 ZUID-HOLLANDSCHE ELECTRISCHE SPOORWEG-MIJ. (RAILROADS, NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, specimen, 1900, brown, , large watermark of beehive
Nr: 894 CRESUD S.A. COMERC., INMOBILIARIA, FINANCIERA Y AGROPECUARIA (PROPERTY/BANKS, ARGENTINA) , 1 Accion Ordinaria de 100 Pesos, 1960, blue, black,
Nr: 898 TUILERIES DE MARCKE-LEZ-COURTRAI, S.A. DES (BRICK YARDS, BELGIUM) , Action de Capital, 1920, green, dark-green, red, large vignette of the factory with smoking chimneys near the Leie river with ships and trains passsing by, red tiles
Nr: 899 TUILERIES DE MARCKE-LEZ-COURTRAI, S.A. DES (BRICK YARDS, BELGIUM) , 1/10 Action ordinaire, 1920, green, brown, red, large vignette of the factory with smoking chimneys near the Leie river with ships and trains passsing by, red tiles
Nr: 900 FERRO-CARRIL DE GUANTANAMO, EMPRESA DEL (RAILROADS, CUBA) , 1 Accion de 100 Pesos - duplicado, 1877, black, train passing by, woman
Nr: 901 CONGO BELGE S.C.A.R.L., CIE. DU (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT & EXPORT/MINING, BELGIAN CONGO) , Part, 1947, red, gray-green, elephants, large river scene of blacks loading ship near village, border with Congo stars, Artist: Malvaux J.
Nr: 904 EQUATORIALE CONGOLAISE (IKELEMBA) S.A., SOC. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT & EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Dixième d'Action de privilégiée de F500, 1900, blue, yellow, red, extraordinary scene with natives in palmtree village looking at Congo steam boat,
Nr: 905 RUSSIA - 2e RUSS. 5% INN. ANLEIHE MIT PRAEMIEN-VERLOOS. (STATE, RUSSIA) , Obligation 100 Roubles, 1866, black, pink, blue, coat-of-arms with russian imperial double headed eagle, watermark pattern of russian double headed eagle
Nr: 910 BELGE-EGYPTIENNE DE L'EZBEKIEH S.A., SOC. (EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 4,5%, 1909, brown, buff, black,
Nr: 915 UNION FRANCAISE D'ALEXANDRIE (EGYPTE) (HOLDING, EGYPT) , Bon nominatif de 1 L.Eg. 6%, 1921, green, black,
Nr: 916 EGYPTIAN CREDIT FONCIER S.A. (BANKS, EGYPT/FRANCE) , Obligation foncière à lots de F250 3%, 1911, brown, pink, , text in french and arabic
Nr: 920 AGRICOLE DE KAFR-EL-DAWAR S.A., SOC. (AGRICULTURE, EGYPT/BELGIUM) , Action de dividende, 1907, brown, blue-green, border with rich details of fruit, angels, faces
Nr: 924 ASSURANCE MARITIME ET D'INCENDIE DE L'ESCAUT, CIE. D' (INSURANCES, NETHERLANDS/BELGIUM) , Action de Fls. 100 Pays-Bays, 1821, black, Co.logo with allegorical figure, hs. Gerard Le Grelle, hs. Ch. Diercxsens, etc.
Nr: 936 VERWEY EN LUGARD'S AUTOMOBIEL-MIJ., N.V. (AUTOMOBILES/AIRCRAFT/AVIATION, NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, 1912, brown, green, yellow, border with simple flower pattern, hs. B.E. Lugard
Nr: 841 ONDA AL GRAO DE CASTELLON DE LA PLANA, CIA.D.TRANVIA A VAPOR (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 Obligacion hipotecaria 500 Ptas 6%, 1889, light blue, black, small vignette of Mercury, train in underprint
Nr: 843 EAUX DE VIENNE, CIE. DES (WATER, AUSTRIA/BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 4,5%, 1895, blue, light-blue, splendid border with panoramic view of Vienna, large water fontains, coat-of-arms flanked by griffions, Artist: Posch, Ch.
Nr: 845 TEKTON S.A. DE CONSTRUCTIONS (BUILDING  & PUBLIC CONTRUCTION, GREECE) , 10 Actions de 100 Drach., 1951, brown-orange, buff, black, ancient columns and images of constructors, text in Greece and French
Nr: 846 MATERIEL DE C.D.F. DU HAUT-VOLGA, SOC. DE (METAL WORKS/RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Action ordinaire de 187 Rbls 50 Kop., 1904, green, black, train wagon on railroad, watermark pattern, text in Russian and French
Nr: 847 IMANGOLA, CIA. IMOBILIARIA DE ANGOLA (PROPERTY/IMPORT & EXPORT, ANGOLA/BELGIAN CONGO) , Titre de Dividende, 1928, red, pink, black, Africa map in underprint with shipping route from Antwerp and Lisboa to destinations in Angola and Belgian Congo, t
Nr: 848 IMANGOLA, CIA. IMOBILIARIA DE ANGOLA (PROPERTY/IMPORT & EXPORT, ANGOLA/BELGIAN CONGO) , Action de Capital de 400 Esc.Ang.=500 Fr.Belg.Cong, 1928, blue, blue-green, black, Africa map in underprint with shipping route from Antwerp and Lisboa to dest
Nr: 849 KAISERLICH RUSSISCHE REGIERUNG (STATE, RUSSIA) , Russische 4,5% Staats-Anl. 1905 1000 Reichsmark, 1905, black, brown, buff, blue, red, small vignette of Russian imperial eagle (also in underprint), watermark pattern, text in Russian, German and En
Nr: 850 FINANCIERE D'EGYPTE S.A., SOC. (BANKS, EGYPT/FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1863, green, red, black, ancient Egyptian obelisk, statues, sfinx, ruins, arab with camel, crocodile, hippopotamus, ibis, Nile river, palms .., Artist: Grandsire, E. - Pontenie
Nr: 851 GOUVERNEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE CHINOISE (STATE/RAILROAD/ELECTRIC LIGHT/WATER, CHINA/FRANCE) , Emprunt Industriel 1914 5% de F500, 1914, brown, buff, black, red, 3 small vignettes of Chinese scenes with trains, pagodes, bridges and stations, fs. Of
Nr: 852 RUSSIA, IMP. GOV. - IMP. LAND MORTG-BANK FOR THE NOBILITY (STATE/BANKS, RUSSIA) , 3,5% Mortg. Bond 150 Roubles, 1898, green, black, coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle  and crown, text in Russian, French,German and English;watermark patter
Nr: 853 DOMAINE DE KEBAO, S.A. DU (AGRICULTURE, FRENCH INDOCHINA/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1930, blue, buff, small vignette of dragon, watermark pattern
Nr: 854 HANIN-MARECHAL S.A., FABRIQUE DE BONNETERIE (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Action de capital de F500, 1950, purple, buff, view of trains passing the companies ' ateliers de bonneterie '
Nr: 855 CANAL INTEROCEANIQUE DE PANAMA, CIE. UNIVERSELLE DU (CANALS, PANAMA/FRANCE) , Titre provisoire de 1 obligation de 60 F, 1888, red, green, , fs. de Lesseps; watermark pattern of 'Panama' anchor
Nr: 856 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (INSURANCE, UK) , Fire policy, 1940, black, view on the London stock-exchange
Nr: 858 BANQUE INDUSTRIELLE D'EGYPT S.A. (BANKS, EGYPT) , 1 Action de dividende, 1899, orange-brown, black, Mercury on winged wheel flying over factory
Nr: 866 SEVILLANA DE FERROCARRILES MINAS Y METALURGIA S.A., CIA. (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Accion de 100 Ptas, 1928, blue, yellow, red,
Nr: 868 DOCKS DE TRANSITO DEL PUERTO DE LA PLATA, CIA. (CANALS & DOCKS, ARGENTINA) , 100 Acciones de 100 Pesos, 1889, blue, black, oliv, large scene with ships in the habour of La Plata, flanked by the godess of Trade and the godess of Navigation
Nr: 873 BRASSERIE FRANCAISE D'EGYPTE S.A. (BEER, EGYPT/FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1881, blue, black, stylished border
Nr: 876 EGYPTIAN ESTATES LTD (PROPERTY, EGYPT/UK) , 5 Ordinary shares of 1 Pound Sterling, 1905, green, light green, black, three arabs on camels, Egyptian high official ?, palm leafs, splendid design
Nr: 1202 DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED MINES LTD. (DIAMOND, CAPE COLONY/SOUTH AFRICA/UNITED KINGDOM) , 10 40% Preference share £2:10, 1902, green, black, coat-of-arms, embossed seal;watermark of co.name;text in english and french;VF condition
Nr: 1203 TOKYO TEXTILE CO. (TEXTILE, JAPAN) , Shares of 100 Yen, 1922, green, black, border with textile factory, flowers, embossed seal
Nr: 1204 GIJMNASTIEK EN SCHERMSCHOOL TE SOERABAIA (SPORTS, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel van 25 Gulden, 1897, brown, black, , rare piece, fencing certificates are extremely rare
Nr: 1205 BRAZIL GREAT SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILROAD, BRAZIL/UK) , Mortg. Debenture 6% 100 Pounds, 1893-1895, blue, green, , embossed seal, VF condition, scarce
Nr: 1206 CHINA MOTOR CORPORATION (AUTOMOBILES, CHINA/PANAMA) , Shares of $100 Class A, unissed, , green, black,
Nr: 1207 AHMADPUR-KATWA RAILWAY CO., LTD (RAILROADS, INDIA) , Debenture of Rs.1000 3,5%, 1949, black on grey paper, , embossed seal depicting train wagon
Nr: 1208 HERKIMER COUNTY MINING AND PETROLEUM CO. (OIL/MINING, USA) , Shares of $5, 1866, black, allegorical woman
Nr: 1209 FABRICATION DES VELOCIPEDES ET AUTOMOBILES S.A. (AUTOMOBILES/BICYCLES, BELGIUM) , 10 Actions de capital de F100, 1897, green, blak, underprint of winged bicycle, rare,condition F-VF,text in Dutch and French
Nr: 1210 REPUBLICA BOLIVIANA - EMPRESTITO DE 1826 (STATE, BOLIVIA) , 100 Pesos, 1827, black, , embossed seal with coat-of-arms of mountain
Nr: 1211 CITY OF GLASGOW UNION RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK/SCOTLAND) , Saint Enoch Station 4% stock, 1882, black, , scarce;embossed seal; guaranteed by Glasgow and South Western RW
Nr: 939 NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE CULTUURZAKEN, ALG.MIJ.VOOR (AGRICULTURE, NETHERLANDS/INDONESIA) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, 1910, brown, buff, black, oliv, light but large photographic underprint of farmers with horse and oxen in front of mountains, art nouveau
Nr: 940 WALBURG N.V. (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , 1/3 Stichters-aandeel, 1927, purple, , capital in Belgas; french version on rear
Nr: 942 GRANDS CRUS DE FRANCE S.A., SOC.IMMOBILIERE DES (WINE/PROPERTY, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1920, blue, blue-green,
Nr: 944 DAHOMEY, SOC. FRANCAISE DU (IMPORT & EXPORT, AFRIQUE OCCIDENTALE FR./DAHOMEY) , Action de F500, 1920, multicolor, African, village, palms, pine-apples, coconuts, crocodile, coat-of-arms, map of Dahomey in underprint
Nr: 945 TRAIDISCOM S.C.A.R.L. (MINING/CHEMICAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de F250, 1927, blue, black, river scene, factory in underprint
Nr: 946 TRAIDISCOM S.C.A.R.L. (MINING/CHEMICAL, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de dividende, 1927, green, black, river scene, factory in underprint
Nr: 947 CHEMIN DE FER DU CONGO ( MATADI - STANLEY POOL ), CIE. DU (RAILROADS, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action ordinaire de F500, 1889, blue, coat-of-arms in underprint
Nr: 951 HONDURAS GOVERNMENT - RAILWAY LOAN OF 1867 (RAILROADS/STATE, HONDURAS) , Bond certificate 6 2/3% 12 Pounds - specimen, 1909, green,
Nr: 952 JAPANESE TISSUE MILLS (USA/JAPAN, TEXTILE) , Preferred shares of $100, 1918, blue, black, red, Japan lady with umbrella in front of snowy mountain
Nr: 961 LA LEEDE S.A., MANUFACT. DE MAT. PR. P. LA CHAPELLERIE (TEXTILE & LEATHER, BELGIUM) , Action de capital de F250, 1927, green, black, gray,
Nr: 963 SVENSKA KULLAGER FABRIKEN, AB. - SKF (PRECISION MECHANICS, SWEDEN) , 5 Aktier a 100 Kronor, 1918, brown, green, buff, vignettes of ball-bearings
Nr: 966 HIDROELECTRICA IBERICA, S.A. (ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, SPAIN) , Obligacion 500 Ptas 6%, 1924, blue, yellow, large scene with allegorical woman and angel making light flying above waterfalls, mountains, sea, Artist: Jacquin
Nr: 971 PILATUS-BAHN-GESELLSCHAFT (RAILROADS, SWITZERLAND) , Actie von 500 Franken, 1888, black, light-blue,
Nr: 972 BANQUE NATIONALE S.A. (BANKS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1879, green, black,
Nr: 973 SOURCE BRAULT, SOC.GEN.DES EAUX MINERALES DE COUZAN (LOIRE) (FOOD/WATER, FRANCE) , Action de 300 Frs, 1935, orange, dark-blue,
Nr: 974 UNITED TRACTION CO. OF PITTSBURGH (RAILROADS, USA) , Preferred shares of $50, 1910, reddish orange, black, electric street car with passengers near church and carriages
Nr: 976 AGUAS MEDICINAES DO ARSENAL DE LISBOA S.A.R.L., CIA. DAS (HEALTH/WATER, PORTUGAL) , 1 Acçao Rs. 10000, 1907, oliv-buff, black, vignette of the 'Arsenal de Lisboa'
Nr: 977 AGUAS MEDICINAES DO ARSENAL DE LISBOA S.A.R.L., CIA. DAS (HEALTH/WATER, PORTUGAL) , 5 Acções Rs. 10000, 1907, oliv-buff, blue, vignette of the 'Arsenal de Lisboa'
Nr: 978 AGUAS MEDICINAES DO ARSENAL DE LISBOA S.A.R.L., CIA. DAS (HEALTH/WATER, PORTUGAL) , 10 Acções Rs. 10000, unissued, 1907, orange, orange-buff, vignette of the 'Arsenal de Lisboa'
Nr: 981 INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CORPORATION (TELEPHONE/ELECTRONICS/COMPUTERS, USA) , Less than 100 shares - domestic share, variant, 1947-1958, dark-green-brown, black, godess with winged wheel looking at globe, variant:brown-black seal,not
Nr: 986 DASHEW BUSINESS MACHINES, INC. (COMPUTERS/PERIPHERALS/PRECISION MECHANICS, USA) , 100 common shares of $1, 1971, orange, black, flying eagle, co.logo, printed seal; plastic credit card equipment pioneer
Nr: 987 GREYHOUND CORPORATION (BUS & TAXI, USA) , 1000 $ 3% S.F. Debenture, specimen, 1944, blue, black, greyhound coat-of-arms, scene of busses in the mountains, female head vignette on coupons
Nr: 991 SIEMENS ELEKTRISCHE BETRIEBE AG (ELECTRICALS, GERMANY) , Teilschuldverschreibung 1000 Mark 5%, 1913, green, orange, black, stylished border, watermark pattern
Nr: 992 CHANTIERS NAVALS L'ESCAUT S.A. (SHIPYARDS, BELGIUM) , Part de fondateur, 1925, green, light-green, stylished border, large vignette in underprint of ship under construction
Nr: 993 CHANTIERS NAVALS L'ESCAUT S.A. (SHIPYARDS, BELGIUM) , Action de capital de F500, 1925, blue, black, stylished border, large vignette in underprint of ship under construction
Nr: 1002 BRAZIL RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, BRAZIL/USA/FRNC) , Secured debenture $100 - Frs. 518, 1919, green, dark-green,
Nr: 1003 CHEMINS DE FER AU BRESIL S.A., CIE. AUXILIAIRE DE (RAILROADS, BRAZIL/BELGIUM) , Action privilégiée de F500, 1905, yellow, black, border vignette of the star of Brazil ' Estados Unidos do Brazil '
Nr: 1008 WTC AIR FREIGHT (AVIATION, U.S.A.) , 100 Common shares, 1973, blue, black, airliner above mountains, co.logo
Nr: 1009 LANVIN-CHARLES OF THE RITZ, INC. (COSMETICS, U.S.A.) , Less than 100 common shares of $1, 1968, blue, black, portrait of woman
Nr: 996 MINAS DE ORO DEL SOLDADO S.A. (GOLDMINING, URUGAY) , Accion de 100 Pesos, 1910, green, dark-green, stylished co.name, rare
Nr: 998 FERROCARRIL AEREO SAN SEBASTIAN - MIRAMAR S.A. (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Accion de 500 Ptas, 1929, dark blue, very licht pink,
Nr: 999 CHEMIN DE FER BENEVENTE - MINAS, S.A. DU (RAILROADS, BRAZIL/BELGIUM) , 1 Action ordinaire de F500, 1889, brown, buff, stylished border with small vignettes of angels
Nr: 1001 BANQUE FRANCAISE POUR LE BRESIL S.A. (BANKS, BRAZIL/FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1913, black, green, border vignette with the star of Brazil 'Estados Unidos do Brazil'
Nr: 1010 MINERIA URUGUAYA, S.A. (MINING, URUGUAY) , 1 Accion d $20 Oro, 1899, black, oliv-gold, , rare
Nr: 1011 CANADA WEST LAND AND PETROLEUM CO. LTD, THE (OIL, CANADA/UK) , 1 Share of 20 Pounds, 1866, black, embossed seal with coat-of-arms, rare
Nr: 1013 GARDEN-TENNIS CLUB DE CABOURG S.A. (SPORTS/TENNIS, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1921, brown, buff, red, stylished border with late art nouveau elements, tennis rackets
Nr: 1014 GARDEN-TENNIS CLUB DE CABOURG S.A. (SPORTS/TENNIS, FRANCE) , Part de fondateur, 1919, green, red, stylished border with late art nouveau elements, tennis rackets
Nr: 1015 WADI KOM-OMBO, S.A. DE (PROPERTY, EGYPT) , 1 Action de 4 L.E., 1905, green, ancient Egyptian woman with scythe in temple, factory in the distance behind temple ruines
Nr: 1018 EGYPTIAN DELTA LIGHT RAILWAYS LTD (RAILROADS, EGYPT/UK) , Debenture of 100 Pounds 4%, 1908, red, pink, dark blue, sfinx in shining triangle, sfinx on reverse
Nr: 1019 PANMETALLOPHILE ( BREVETS CAPAZZA ) S.A. (AVIATION/METAL/PATENTS, BELGIUM) , 5 Actions de F100, 1897, blue, brown, large vignette in underprint of early balloon safety parachute high in the clouds which was invented by M. Louis Capazza, rare ball
Nr: 1021 FONCIERE DU DOMAINE DE CHEIKH FADL S.A., SOC. (PROPERTY/BANK, EGYPT) , 1 Action de L.Eg. 4, 1938, green, black, farmers binding wood on dromedary, palm trees, farmer with ploughing oxen at dawn near the Nile
Nr: 1024 EQUATORIALE CONGOLAISE (IKELEMBA) S.A., SOC. (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT & EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Dixième d'Action ordinaire, 1900, red, blue, extraordinary scene with natives in palmtree village looking at Congo steam boat, Artist: Van Leemput
Nr: 1029 BOURGES A GIEN ET D'ARGENT A BEAUNE-LA-ROLANDE, CIE. C.D.F. (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1875, green, black, border with several angels and coat-of-arms
Nr: 1031 SONAPET PROPRIETARY GOLD MINING CO., LTD (GOLDMINING, INDIA) , 100 Ordinary shares, 1891, green, , stamped company seal
Nr: 1033 WESTERN PATKOOM GOLD PROSPECTING SYNDICATE, LD. (GOLDMINING, INDIA) , 100 Ordinary shares, 1890, green, black, , stamped company seal
Nr: 1039 COLOMBIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY CO., LTD (RAILROADS, COLOMBIA/UK) , 6% Debenture, 1910, grey, black,
Nr: 1040 PRODUCTION ARTIFICIELLE DU DIAMANT NATUREL (PATENTS/CHEMICAL/DIAMOND, BELGIUM) , Cert. nominatif des parts syndicale, 1905, blue, green,
Nr: 1047 TRANS-ZAMBESIA RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILROADS, RHODESIA/UK) , 25 Shares of 1 Pound, specimen, 1920, brown, black, , text in english and french
Nr: 1057 WAGONS-LITS ET DES GRANDS EXPRESS EUROPEENS, CIE.INT.DES (TOURISM/HOTELS/RESTAURANTS/TRANSPORT, BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 5,5%, 1919, red, pink, fine jugendstil border with coat-of-arms and a speeding train
Nr: 1058 CASINOS DE ROYAN, S.A. DES (CASINO, FRANCE) , Action de F250, 1898, green, black,
Nr: 1060 LACLEDE GAS LIGHT CO. (UTILITY/GAS/LIGHT, USA) , 100 Preferred shares of $100 5%, 1893, red-brown, black, street scene with gas terminals, eagle heads in upper border, drawing with wrong perspectives
Nr: 1061 BANCO RURAL E HYPOTHECARIO DO RIO DE JANEIRO (BANKS, BRAZIL) , Accao Rs.200$000, 1862, black, coat-of-arms in underprint, large watermark of stylished co.name, chariot,hive ..
Nr: 1064 HORTICULTURE COLONIALE S.A., L' (AGRICULTURE/IMPORT &  EXPORT, BELGIAN CONGO) , Part de fondateur, 1899, brown, green, jugendstil border with leaves and vignettes of flowers, tree, rubber tapped tree, Artist: Posch, Ch., exploration activities
Nr: 1066 BURMESE NATIONAL BANK LTD (BANKS, BURMA) , Ordinary shares of 20 Rupees, 1948/1953, dark green, , stamped seal, text in English and Burmese, revenu stamp
Nr: 1068 HUILERIES ET PLANTATIONS DE LA COTE D'IVOIRE, SOC.FR. DES (AGRICULTURE, FRENCH WEST AFRICA/IVORY COAST) , Action de priorité de F500, 1912, black, buff, colonial jugendstil border with coat-of-arms, railway station scenes, flags, Artist: Acker, E
Nr: 1069 CHEMINS DE FER DANS LA PROVINCE DE BUENOS-AYRES, CIE.GEN.DE (RAILROADS, ARGENTINA/FRANCE) , Cert.de souscription originaire d'actions, 1905, grey, black,
Nr: 1071 URUGUAY EAST COST RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILROADS, URUGUAY / UK) , 4% Debenture stock, 1918, black,
Nr: 1072 CATALANA MARITIMA, S.A. (SHIPPING, SPAIN) , Accion nominativa de 1000 Ptas, 1928, blue, red, oliv, large sailing ship in underprint
Nr: 1073 TONOPAH NORTH STAR TUNNEL AND DEVELOPMENT CO. (GOLD MINING, USA) , Shares of 1$, 1921-1926, blue, black, eagle on rock spreading his wings
Nr: 1074 MOSHANNON AND CLEARFIELD RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 1000$ Debenture 5%, 1883, black,
Nr: 1075 LUNAWADA SHRI SIR WAKHATSINGHJI FACTORY CO., LTD (PRODUCTION ?, INDIA) , Shares of 200 Rupees ??, ?, green, red, blue, photogravure of the prince of Lunawada ?, goddess with peacock
Nr: 1077 MERCANTILE PRESS CO. LTD (PRINTING & PRESS, INDIA) , Shares of 25 Rupees, 1917, buff, black, yellow,
Nr: 1081 TELEVISION AND PROJECTOR CORP. (TELEVISION, USA) , Common shares Class B Voting $1, 1936, orange, black, Mercury and other allegorical figures, early television, embossed seal, scarce, scandal
Nr: 1082 RADIO PRODUCTS CORPORATION OF AMERICA (RADIO, USA) , Shares of $1, 1922, brown, black, eagle on rock spreading his wings
Nr: 1083 STEINITE RADIO CO. (RADIO, USA) , Less than 100 shares, 1930, green, black, eagle on rock spreading his wings
Nr: 1084 NATIONAL TELEVISION AND MANUFACTURING CORP. (TELEVISION, USA) , Common shares of $1, 1948, red, black, eagle on rock spreading his wings
Nr: 1085 FARRAGUT TELEVISION CORP. (TELEVISION, USA) , Shares of $100, specimen, 19.., green, black, eagle spreading his wings
Nr: 1086 GREAT FALLS, CITY (CITY/CONSTRUCTION, USA) ,  6% Warrant for $300, 1917, green, black, gold seal, waterfalls, eagle
Nr: 1087 GREAT FALLS, CITY (CITY/CONSTRUCTION, USA) ,  6% Warrant for $200, 1914, green, black, gold seal, waterfalls, eagle
Nr: 1088 GREAT FALLS, CITY (CITY/CONSTRUCTION, USA) ,  6% Warrant for $300, 1916, green, black, gold seal, waterfalls, eagle
Nr: 1089 GREAT FALLS, CITY (CITY/CONSTRUCTION, USA) ,  6% Warrant for $200, 1917, green, black, gold seal, waterfalls, eagle, date 1916 overwritten with red '7'
Nr: 1090 BLACKBURN PHOTOGRAPHIC AND FINE ARTS CO., LTD (PHOTOGRAPHY, UK) , Share of 2 Pounds, 1865, black, red seal,
Nr: 1091 DUBLIN, BELFAST AND COLERAINE JUNCTION RW CO. (RAILROADS, UK / IRELAND / NORTHERN IRELAND) , Shares of 25 Pounds, 1846, black, , embossed seal with coat-of-arms
Nr: 1092 UNION DES PROPRIETAIRES DE VIGNOBLES (WINE, FRANCE) , Action de F250, 1853-1857, black on green paper, border with grapes
Nr: 1093 SOUTHERN SAN PAULO RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILROADS, BRAZIL) , A Shares of 1 Shilling, 1928, green, , embossed seal with train
Nr: 1095 ASSOCIATED NEWSPAPERS LTD (PRINTING & PRESS, UK) , Ordinary shares, 1969, blue, black,
Nr: 1096 BANK OF SCOTLAND (BANKS, UK) , Shares, 1974, blue, , embossed seal
Nr: 1097 EUREKA OIL AND GAS CO., THE (OIL/GAS, USA) , Shares of $1, 1903, black, gold, gold seal, train passing through field of oil derricks
Nr: 1099 OIL CREEK PETROLEUM CO. (OIL, USA) , Shares of $500, unissued, 1865, black, men filling oil barrels near river with boats, indian
Nr: 1100 OIL LEASE OF OLNEY DISTRICT, YOUNG COUNTY, TEXAS (OIL, USA) , Pre-Organ. Cert. Interest Producing Oil Properties, 1925, green, black, green seal, government building, hs. C.F. Lehman, lots detail on the leases, tiny piece missing VF+
Nr: 1101 EASTERN CONSOLIDATED OIL CO. (OIL, USA) , Shares of $1, 1901, brown, black, men filling up train containerwagons with oil near field of oil derricks,  on reverse: eagle with spreaded wings
Nr: 1102 PETROLES CAUCASIENS S.A. (OIL, USSR/RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Action de capital de F250, 1920, blue, green, brown,
Nr: 1103 AMERICAN-FOREIGN OIL CORP. (OIL, USA/FRANCE) , 10 Common shares of $5, 1922, purple, black, trains in field of oil-derricks
Nr: 1104 TUXPAM STAR OIL CORP. (OIL, USA) , Common shares of $1, 1917, orange, black, small but fine vignette of oil gusher in field of oil-derricks
Nr: 1111 UNIE BANK VOOR NEDERLAND EN KOLONIËN (BANKS, NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, 1920, black, grey,
Nr: 1114 COLONIAL AIRCRAFT CORP. (AIRCRAFT, USA) , new common shares of 10 c., 1969, blue, black, red, co.logo with stylished bird
Nr: 1115 SAN FRANSISCO, CITY AND COUNTY OF - FIRE PROTECTION BOND (CITY, USA ( post earthquake 1906 )) , Bond of $1000 5%, 1908, red, black, large vignette with naval ships '  the Great White Fleet ' and steamer, flags, hs. Edward Robeson Taylor ( poet, p
Nr: 1116 FAGEOL MOTORS CO., THE (AUTOMOBILES/TRUCKS/TRACTORS, USA) , Preferred shares of $100, 1920-1921, orange, black, eagle with spreaded wings, hs. Frank R. Fageol
Nr: 1117 CHEMIN DE FER PAR LE JURA INDUSTRIEL (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Obligation 20 Fr., 1858, blue, black, , watermark pattern' XX francs', embossed seal
Nr: 1119 NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION (ELECTRONICS/MICROPROCESSORS, USA) , 100 common shares of 50 c., 1968, green, black, woman with two globes in front of city
Nr: 1122 MONTEVIDEO TELEPHONE CO. LTD, THE (TELEPHONE, URUGUAY) , 5% Preference shares of 1 Pound, 1912, dark blue, , embossed seal
Nr: 1123 IMPERIAL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT 50000000$ 6,5% 3Yr Credit 1919 (STATE, SOVIET UNION/USA) , Participation certificat 6,5% 3 year credit, 1923, yellow, black, , watermark pattern printer
Nr: 1124 PETROLERA MEXICANA FAROS DE AZTLAN S.A., CIA. (OIL, MEXICO) , 20 Acciones de 50 Pesos Oro Nacional, 1916, blue, brown, black, superb vignette of ancient aztec priest, splendid border with ancient motifs, vignettes of aztec city, oil well
Nr: 1125 GENERAL COMPUTING MACHINES CORP. (OFFICE EQUIPMENT/CALCULATORS/ELECTRONICS) , 100 common shares of $0.01, 1955, green, black, allegorical woman with lion, adding machines and calculators
Nr: 1131 LINCOLN MOTOR CO. (AUTOMOBILES, USA) , Temp. cert. 100 class A shares of 50$, uniss., 1920, green, black, , hs. W.C. Leland (son) and hs. by Nash (son)
Nr: 1136 DIRECT ELECTRIC GENERATOR SYNDICATE LTD (ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1897, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1137 COLOUR SNAPSHOTS (FOREIGN) LTD (PHOTOGRAPHY, UK) , Ordinary shares of 2Shillings, 1929, brown, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1138 S.T.D. MOTORS, LTD (AUTOMOBILES, UK) , Ordinary shares of 1s/6s, 1933, brown, co.name in clouds, embossed seal
Nr: 1139 S.T.D. MOTORS, LTD (AUTOMOBILES, UK) , 8% non-cumul. part. preference shares 10 s/, 1933, black, co.name in clouds, embossed seal
Nr: 1140 CHARBONNAGES REUNIS DE L'EST DE LIEGE, S.A. DES (COAL MINES, BELGIUM) , Action de 1000 Francs, 1875, blue, black, pink,
Nr: 1141 AUGSBURG, STADT (CITY, GERMANY) , Anlehens-schein 7 Gulden = 15 Francs = 4 Thaler, 1864, blue, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1142 ALLIED BREWERIES LTD (BEER, UK) , Ordinary shares of 5/-, 1964, red, , embossed seal of co.logo with grain ear
Nr: 1143 ALLIED BREWERIES LTD (BEER, UK) , 6,5% redeemable debenture stock, 1968, blue, , embossed seal of co.logo with grain ear
Nr: 1144 LINES BROS. LTD (TOYS, UK) , Ordinary shares of 5 Shillings, 1970, black, orange, co.logo triangle ' L-Bros Tri-ang', embossed seal with co.logo
Nr: 1145 RANK ORGANISATION LTD (FILM  & CINEMA, UK) , Ordinary shares 25 Pence, 1976, red, oliv, large underprint of co.logo : man hitting huge gong, embossed seal with co.logo
Nr: 1146 RANK ORGANISATION LTD (FILM  & CINEMA, UK) ,  A  non voting ordinary shares of 5/-, 1965, brown, green, large underprint of co.logo : man hitting huge gong, embossed seal with co.logo
Nr: 1147 RANK ORGANISATION LTD (FILM  & CINEMA, UK) , Ordinary shares of 5 Shillings, 1964, red, green, large underprint of co.logo : man hitting huge gong, embossed seal with co.logo
Nr: 1148 ATCHINSK-MINOUSSINSK, CIE. DU CHEMIN DE FER D' (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation 4,5% de 187 Rbls = Frs 500 .., 1915, purple, black, small double-headed imperial eagle, watermark pattern, Siberia
Nr: 1149 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH CO. OF IRELAND (TELEGRAPH,  IRELAND/SCOTLAND/UK) , 5 Shares of 1 Pound, 1852, black, , embossed seal with Irish harp, early telegraph piece
Nr: 1150 BOSTON, NEWPORT AND NEW YORK STEAMBOAT CO. (SHIPPING, USA) , Shares of 1000 $, 1863, black, vignette of one of the companies paddle-steamboats, the 'Metropolis', smaller vignette of sailing ship
Nr: 1153 CANALI D'IRRIGAZIONE ITALIANI, CIA. GEN. DEI - CANALE CAVOUR (CANALS, ITALY) , 6% Bond 500 Lire = 20 Pound Sterling = 500 Francs, 1871, brown, large vignette of allegorical man and woman in front of mountains guarding the Cavour Canal building, w
Nr: 1157 TRAMWAYS DE TUNIS, S.A. DES (TRAMWAYS, TUNISIA/BELGIUM) , Action ordinaire, 1888, brown, green,
Nr: 1158 CHARBONNAGE DES GRAND ET PETIT TAS REUNIS, S.A. DU (COAL MINING, BELGIUM) , Action de 1000 Francs, 1838, black on green paper,
Nr: 1159 CHARBONNAGE DE LONGTERNE-FERRANT, S.A. (COAL MINING, BELGIUM) , Obligation 3% 500 Francs, 1861, green, pink-buff,
Nr: 1161 BARCELONA A SARRIA S.A., FERRO-CARRIL DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 10 acciones de 100 Pesos, issued to J. de Grimaldi, 1859, black, yellow-oliv, , issued to Juan de Grimaldi (impresario, business man and government agent)
Nr: 1162 DORTMUNDER UNION-BRAUEREI AG (BEER, GERMANY) , Aktie 1000 RM, 1941, blue, black, buff, , embossed seal, watermark pattern
Nr: 1163 BARCELONA A SARRIA S.A., FERRO-CARRIL DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 accion de 100 Pesos, issued Duque de Rianzares, 1866, black, blue-green, , issued to Duque de Rianzares
Nr: 1164 BARCELONA A SARRIA S.A., FERRO-CARRIL DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 accion de 100 Pesos,issued to J. de Grimaldi, 1859, black, green-blue, , issued to Juan de Grimaldi (impresario, business man and government agent)
Nr: 1165 BARCELONA A SARRIA S.A., FERRO-CARRIL DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 accion de 100 Pesos, 1859, black, green-blue,
Nr: 1171 HUNGARY, KINGDOM - 1912 (STATE, HUNGARY) , State bond 1000 crowns 6%, 1917, red-buff, flowerish jugendstil border, embossed seal, larger watermark of coat-of-arms
Nr: 1172 UNGARISCHE HYPOTHEKEN-BANK (BANKS, HUNGARY) , Prämien-Schein 100 fl. Ö.W. zur Präm,-Obl, 3% 1894, 1906, green, black, , text in Hungarian, French and German;embossed seal
Nr: 1173 UNGARISCHE HYPOTHEKEN-BANK (BANKS, HUNGARY) , Teiloblig.Lit.A 100 Kronen Konversions-Pr.Oblig., 1906, grey, black, , text in Hungarian, French and German;embossed seal
Nr: 1175 CHEMIN DE FER DE KOLTCHOUGUINO, CIE.DU (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation de 187 Roubles 50 Copecs, 1913, brown, black, small coat-of-arms of Russian double-headed eagle, text in Russian and French
Nr: 1176 STAD BRUSSEL - 1943 LEENING VAN 242000000 FR. (CITY, BELGIUM) , Obligation van 5000 Fr. 4%, 1943, purple, black, small coat-of-arms of the city ( angel killing dragon )
Nr: 1177 STAD BRUSSEL - 1943 LEENING VAN 242000000 FR. (CITY, BELGIUM) , Obligation van 1000 Fr. 4%, 1943, blue, black, small coat-of-arms of the city ( angel killing dragon )
Nr: 1178 TRAMWAYS DE TASCHKENT S.A. (TRAMWAYS, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Obligation de F500 4%, 1908, green, buff, black, coat-of-arms, art nouveau border, Uzbekistan
Nr: 1180 TRAMWAYS ET ECLAIRAGE DE LA VILLE DE BELGRADE S.A. (TRAMWAYS/ELECTRIC LIGHT, SERBIA/YUGOSLAVIA/BELGIUM) , Action privilégiée de F200, 1909, red, blue, grey, stylished border with co.logo, fs. Charles Charlier
Nr: 1181 CHEMIN DE FER NORD-DONETZ, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Titre provisoire 1 Obligation de 187 Roubles, 1914, brown, green,
Nr: 1187 INDEPENDENCE IRRIGATION CO.-STATE OF WYOMING (AGRICULTURE/IRRIGATION/CANALS, USA/FRANCE) , First mortgage 6% gold bond of $100 - 515 Fr., 1914, brown, buff, black, vignettes of farmer in in his irrigated crop field, cattle, harvest, irrigation ca
Nr: 1189 BENGAL PROVINCIAL RAILWAY CO., LTD (RAILROADS, INDIA) , Special shares Rs.100, 1915, black, pink,
Nr: 1192 BASIN MONTANA TUNNEL CO. (GOLD MINING, USA) , Shares of $1, 1935-1937, brown, black, american eagle with spreaded wings on rock, printed seal
Nr: 1193 BALTIMORE REFRIGERATING AND HEATING CO., THE (UTILITY/REFRIGERATING & HEATING, USA) , Firts Mortg. 5% Gold Bond  $1000, 1902, brown, black, vignette of the Baltimore Refrigerating and Heating plant, embossed seal
Nr: 1194 CHEMINS DE FER AU BRESIL S.A., CIE. AUXILIAIRE DE (RAILROADS, BRAZIL/BELGIUM) , Action de dividende, 1898, green, pink, border vignette of the star of Brazil ' Estados Unidos do Brazil ', VF condition
Nr: 1199 WESTERN MARYLAND RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , Second Mortg. Bond of $500 6%, 1867, black, blue, train in curve, farmer with oxen, track workers, embossed seal
Nr: 1212 COLONIALE D'ELECTRICITE S.C.A.R.L., SOC. (ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Cert.d'Inscr.Nom. D'Actions de F100, 1923, black, , issued to Josse Allard, rare
Nr: 1213 EL VETERANO SOC. MINERA (MINING, SPAIN) , 5 Acciones, 1860, black, pink, blue, 2 miners with equipment holding coat-of-arms with train in mountains, rare
Nr: 1214 CHEMINS DE FER VICINAUX ANVERS-BRASSCHAET-FRONTIERE ET EXT. (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Action de 1000 Fr., 1910, buff, blue, black, coat-of-arms of the National Railways company lion, Artist: engraver Soupagne, text in French and Dutch
Nr: 1221 WARDAN ESTATE CO. S.A. (AGRICULTURE, EGYPT/UK) , 1 Ordinary share 5% cumul. 5 Pounds, 1906, red, farmer with oxen at the Nile in front of pyramids , border vignettes of agricultural scene, ancient lotus flowers, scarce, decorative, large format,
Nr: 1225 DUNDEE PERTH AND LONDON SHIPPING CO. LTD (SHIPPING, UK/SCOTLAND) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1919, blue, , embossed seal with steamer
Nr: 1227 TRAMWAYS ELECTRIQUES DE L'ARIEGE, CIE. DES (TRAMWAYS, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1908, blue, green, farmer women, tramway near river, coat-of-arms with bear and apples, Artist: Valat
Nr: 1229 C.D.F. DE PARIS A SCEAUX (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1846, black, two vignettes of early trains, one of them crossing a mountain river, embossed seal with locomotive
Nr: 1230 ASTRA, S.A. POUR L'INDUSTRIE DE CHAUSSURES (LEATHER/SHOES, BULGARIA) , Action de 100 Leva-or, 1912, buff, blue, black, shoe in underprint, text in french and bulgarian
Nr: 1234 CENTRAL ARGENTINE RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, ARGENTINA/UK) , Local share of 20 Pounds, specimen, 18.., red, locomotive under the Argentinian sun and mountains, scarce, large embossed seal of Waterlow & Sons
Nr: 1235 MANAOS TRAMWAYS AND LIGHT CO. LTD (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, BRAZIL/UK) , Debenture 100 Pounds 5%, 1909, blue, black, Tram full with passengers riding through Manaos, little angel with light bulb, vignette of medaillon on rear side
Nr: 1237 TRAMWAYS ET D'ECLAIRAGE DE TIENTSIN S.A., CIE DE (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, CHINA/BELGIUM) , Action ordinaire, 1919, brown, gray, winged wheel in underprint
Nr: 1240 AUSTRAL PAPUAN INVESTMENTS LTD (PAPUA/AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1923, black,
Nr: 1241 BATTERY REEF GOLD MINING CO., LTD (GOLD MINING, SOUTH AFRICA) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1888, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1243 SHEBA GOLD MINING CO., LTD (GOLD MINING, UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA/TRANSVAAL) , 5 Shares of 5 Pound Sterling, 1912, black, coat-of-arms, text in English and French
Nr: 1244 NEW CHIMES GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, TRANSVAAL/SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound Stg - iss. Comt. De Pourtales, 1895, green, black, chapel tower flanked by bells, bells in corners, bells in underprint, issued to Mélanie de Bussière Com
Nr: 1247 BANQUE COMMERCIALE DE BELGIQUE S.A. (BANKS, BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1919, blue, dark blue, co.name  in clouds
Nr: 1249 TRAMWAYS DE LA VILLE DE BELGRADE S.A. (TRAMWAYS, SERBIA/YUGOSLAVIA/BELGIUM) , Action de F100, 1894, black, yellow, stylished border with co.logo, fs. Charles Charlier
Nr: 1251 PÊCHERIES DE LA MORINIE S.A. (FISHERY, FRANCE) , Action de F1000, 1934, green, black, 2 large photovignettes of fishing boats at the harbour, coat-of-arms of the Vatican
Nr: 1252 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS AND SKETCH, LTD (PRINTING & PRESS, UK) , Dividend warrant 5,50 % cum.prefer.shares 1 Pound, 1909, red, green,
Nr: 1257 DARJEELING ROPEWAY CO. LTD (AERIAL TRAMWAY, INDIA) , Shares of 10 Rs., 1939, purple, green, , embossed seal with aeral tramway
Nr: 1259 MEXICAN RAILWAY CO., LTD (RAILROADS, MEXICO/UK) , Deferred Interest certificate 4,5% 2nd debenture, 1913, red, green,
Nr: 1260 MEXICAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY LTD (RAILROADS, MEXICO/UK) , Deferred Interest warrant 1st mortg. debent., 1915, red,
Nr: 1261 MEXICAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY LTD (RAILROADS, MEXICO/UK) , Deferred Interest warrant 1st mortg. debent., 1914, purple,
Nr: 1262 BASS, RATCLIFF AND GRETTON, LTD (BEER, UK) , 5% dividend cumulative preference stock, 1899, brown, , famous Beer brewery
Nr: 1267 SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, UK) , 5% preference stock, 1926, olive green, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1268 SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, UK) , Preferred ordinary stock, 1925, red, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1269 SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, UK) , Deferred ordinary stock, 1925, black, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1270 SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, UK) , 4% debenture stock, 1926, purple, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1271 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK) , 5% consolidated preference stock, 1945, light blue, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1272 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK) , 5% debenture stock, 1944, red, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1273 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK) , 4,5% debenture stock, 1944, black, , watermark of company name
Nr: 1274 SOLIDOL CHEMICAL LTD (CHEMICALS, UK) , Shares of 2 Shillings, 1936, brown,
Nr: 1277 SOUTHERN ROADWAYS, LTD (TRANSPORT, UK) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound, 1925, black,
Nr: 1278 SOUTHERN ROADWAYS, LTD (TRANSPORT, UK) , 8% cumul. Partic. preference shares of 1 Pound, 1928, blue, red seal,
Nr: 1282 ST.MARY'S FRANCO-AMERICAN PETROLEUM CO. (OIL, USA/FRANCE) , 5 shares of 5$ - 5 actions de 25 Francs, 1902, green, black, oil derricks,  text in english and french, embossed seal, vignette repeated on rear
Nr: 1283 CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK OF FORT WORTH (BANKS, USA) , Common shares, 1954,  olive green, black, co.logo, embossed seal
Nr: 1284 CHARBONNAGES ANDRE DUMONT, S.A. DES (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , Kasbon 10 frank, unissued, 1940, grey-blue, yellow, miner's face in underprint
Nr: 1290 ORIENTAL GOLD MINING CO. OF INDIA LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (12 Shillings paid), 1901, brown, flowers around company monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1291 ROYAL ARCH MASONS OF ENGLAND, SUPR.GRAND AND ROY. CHAPTER OF (MASONIC, UK) , Membership certificate, 1865, black, masonic symbols s.a. sun in triangle, blue seal with emboss of coat-of-arms, blue seal with emboss of coat-of-arms, text in english
Nr: 1292 TAGALSCH PRAUWENVEER, N.V. (SHIPPING, INDONESIA) , Aandeel van 600 Gulden, 1902, blue,
Nr: 1293 CHARBONNAGE DU LEVANT DE PERONNES, S.A. DU (COALMINING, BELGIUM) , Action de F500, 1882, green, black,
Nr: 1297 BRITISH RECORD PROPRIETARY LTD (MUSIC, AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1912, dark blue on blue, , scarce
Nr: 1298 ELM SPRINGS-WASTA TELEPHONE CO. (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares, 1919, black, gold, gold seal, american eagle on front, allegorical woman in gold underprint, eagle on cliff on rear, gold seal
Nr: 1299 ELM SPRINGS-WASTA TELEPHONE CO. (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares, 1909, black, gold, gold seal, allegorical woman with shield and anchor, flowers, allegorical figure with scale in underprint, scarce telephone certificate, gold seal
Nr: 1301 AUDIBLE FILMCRAFT LTD (FILM, UK) , Ordinary shares of 5 Shillings, 1930, blue,
Nr: 1303 ANLEHEN LANDESHAUPTSTADT SALZBURG 1920-80 MILLIONEN KRONEN (CITY, AUSTRIA) , 5% teilschuldverschreibung 10,000 Kronen, 1920,  black, red, buff, coat-of-arms of the city depicting a castle, embossed seal with coat-of-arms of the city depicting a c
Nr: 1304 EL ORO MINING AND RAILWAY CO. LTD, THE (GOLD MINING/RAILROADS, MEXICO/UK) , Shares of 5/- each, 1934, purple,
Nr: 1308 MAROKKAANSCHE SPOORWEG MIJ. (RAILROADS, MOROCCO/FRANCE/NETHERLANDS) , recepis 2 obligatiën van 500 Gulden 7 Pc, specimen, 1926, blue,
Nr: 1309 MAROKKAANSCHE SPOORWEG MIJ. (RAILROADS, MOROCCO/FRANCE/NETHERLANDS) , recepis 1 obligatie van 1000 Gulden 5 Pc, specimen, 1938, green, yellow,
Nr: 1310 EURATOM - EUROPESE GEM. VOOR ATOOMENERGIE (STATE/NUCLEAR ENERGY, BELGIUM/LUXEMB.) , 5 obligaties 1000 Gulden 12,5 Pct 1981, proof, 1981,  green, grey, logo of euratom (atoms and electrons), corrections for EGKS issue, fs. E. Davignon
Nr: 1311 EGKS - EUROPESE GEM. VOOR KOLEN EN STAAL (STATE/ENERGY, BELGIUM/LUXEMBOURG) , 5 obligaties 1000 Gulden 7,75 Pct 1983, specimen, 1983, blue, green, grey, black, logo of EGKS, fs. E. Davignon
Nr: 1312 STAD KOPENHAGEN (CITY,DENMARK/NETHERLANDS) , Obligatie 1000 Gulden 4 pct  1938, specimen, 1938, blue, buff, coat-of-arms of castle in underprint
Nr: 1313 ALLIED TELEMEDIA LTD (TELEVISION/MEDIA, CANADA) , Common shares, 1964,  blue, black,
Nr: 1315 ANGLO-FRENCH REVIEW, LTD (PRINTING & PRESS, UK) , 6 Pct non-cum.partic. preference shares 5 Pounds, 1919, blue,
Nr: 1317 AKMANA NEW GUINEA GOLD NL (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/AUSTRALIA) , 100 Shares of 1 Shilling, 1936,  black on blue,
Nr: 1318 AKMANA NEW GUINEA GOLD NL (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/AUSTRALIA) , 1000 Shares of 1 Shilling, 1929,  black on yellow,
Nr: 1319 ARAFURA GOLD AND TIN NL (GOLD MINING, AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 5 Pounds, 1935,  black on buff-orange,
Nr: 1322 HULLERA DEL ALTO ARAGON, SOC. (COAL-MINING, SPAIN) , Accion ordinaria de 500 Ptas, 1918,  green, black,  works at blast furnace, coal-mine, factory chimneys
Nr: 1323 CLINICA MEDICO-QUIRURGICA PLATON S.A. (HEALTH & HOSPITAL, SPAIN) , Accion ordinaria 500 Ptas, 1926, black on yellow,
Nr: 1324 INDO BURMA OILFIELDS (1920) LTD (OIL, INDIA/BURMA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1922, black, , hs. Sir Bindon Blood
Nr: 1327 THE LEOPOLDINA TERMINAL CO. LTD (RAILROADS,BRAZIL/UK) , Stock certificate, 1952, green, stylished left border, embossed seal, small piece missing in left upper corner
Nr: 1329 SEMARANG-CHERIBON STOOMTRAM-MIJ. (RAILROADS, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel 1000 Gulden, 1895, black, , stamped 'uitgifte aandelen 1898'
Nr: 1330 CHAMPION REEF GOLD MINING CO. OF INDIA LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 2 Shillings and 6 Pence, 1907/16, brown on light-blue paper, , scarce,one of the deepest mines in the world,embossed seal
Nr: 1331 BALKANPLOD (WINE/EXPORT, BULGARIA) , Share of 10000 Leva, 1940, blue, green, grapes
Nr: 1332 CHEMIN DE FER DU CONGO, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action Ordinaire de F500, 1902, orange, light-green, winged wheel and co.name in underprint
Nr: 1333 HAMBURGER HOCHBAHN AG (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, GERMANY) , Aktie 1000 Mark, 1911, green, orange-buff, black, small vignette of winged wheel, watermark pattern, embossed seal with winged wheel
Nr: 1335 ACOL COLLIERIES (NATAL) LTD, THE (COAL MINING, SOUTH AFRICA) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound, 1903, black, vignettes of colliery and train leaving  coal mine, embossed seal
Nr: 1339 MASONIC SOCIETY OF WATERMAN (MASONIC, USA) , Shares, 1876, black, , scarce
Nr: 1340 BRASSERIE M. ROELS, S.A. (BEER, BELGIUM) , Action nominative de F500, unissued, 1911, green, oliv green, , rare
Nr: 1341 MENAS AURIFERAS EN OAXACA, CIA. MEXICANA EXPL. Y BENEF. DE (GOLDMINING, MEXICO) , 1 Accion de $100, 1895, brown, black, gold miners in mining tunnel
Nr: 1342 CHEMIN DE FER DE DUNKERQUE A FURNES, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, BELGIUM/FRANCE) , Action F500, 1870, brown, blue-green, , printed in Bruxelles, issued in Paris
Nr: 1347 AUTOMOBILES IMPERIA-EXCELSIOR S.A. (AUTOMOBILES, BELGIUM) , Action ordinaire, 1928, green, light-green,
Nr: 1349 NORTH CHINA DEVELOPMENT CO. (HOLDING/RAILR./ELECTR/ POWER/TELECOM, CHINA/JAPAN) , 10 shares of 50 yen, 1938, purple, black, red, (despite the story behind this company) a splendid vignette of the Great Wall of China in lower border, flower, Showa
Nr: 1350 BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA CO. LTD, THE (RAILROADS/SHIPPING, BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA/MALAWI) , Debenture 5% of 100 Pounds, specimen, 1903, red, black, stylished border with small ornamental lion head, rare, historical piece
Nr: 1351 SHIRE HIGHLANDS RAILWAY NYASALAND LTD, THE (RAILROADS,NYASALAND/MALAWI) , Debenture stock 5%, specimen, 1917, pink, black, train with passengers, rare
Nr: 1353 WAR TIME NATIONAL DEFENSE BOND - GREATER EAST ASIA WAR (STATE/WAR, JAPAN/CHINA) , Bond 5 Yen, non-interest-bearing, Showa 17 Nen 2, 1942, blue, orange, black, falling bomb, blue logo of Japan Hypothec Bank repeated as watermarks
Nr: 1354 WESTERN OF MINAS RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS/STATE, BRAZIL/UK) , 5% Guar. Loan of 1893 500 Pound, specimen, 1893, blue, black, coat-of-arms of Brazil star
Nr: 1355 SOUTH MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 7% 1st Mortg. Gold Bearing Bond $100, 1873, black, pink-red, gold, large vignette of steam train crossing bridge and surveyors, 2 corner vignettes of government buildings, gold seal, gold seal with e
Nr: 1356 PEASANTS' LAND BANK, IMPERIAL GOV. OF RUSSIA (BANKING/STATE, RUSSIA) , 4,5% Bond of 150 Roubles=400Francs=323RM20Pf .., 1912, green, black, small coat-of-arms of double-headed russian eagle, large watermark of russian double-headed eagle
Nr: 1357 WILSON'S BREWERY LTD (BEER, UK) , 4% irredeemable 1st mortg. debenture stock, 1935, green, , embossed seal
Nr: 1358 BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER SCHUYLKILL, MAN. AND CO. FOR ERECTING (BRIDGES, USA) , Shares of 50 Dollars, unissued, 181., black,
Nr: 1359 CHEMIN DE FER DE PARIS A ORLEANS AVEC SES PROLONGEMENTS (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Obligation de F500 3%, 1873, oliv, brown,
Nr: 1360 BEZUGSVEREINIGUNG DEUTSCHER BRAUEREIEN AG. (BEER, GERMANY) , Aktie 50 DM, 1957, black, red-brown, , embossed seal, watermark pattern
Nr: 1362 AUTOMOBILE CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (AUTOMOBILES, USA) , Share of 1$, 1909, brown, car, vignette of an automobile, embossed seal
Nr: 1366 CHARBONNAGE DU PARADIS, D'AVROY ET BOVERIE, A LIEGE (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , Action, 1859, blue, , early coal-mining certificate
Nr: 1367 KWANG-TUNG, PROV.GOV.-10 YR 8% LOAN DEV. LOCAL INDUSTRIES (STATE/CITY, CHINA) , Bond for 2 Dollars 8%, 1912, green, black, red Chinese chop seals, small format; loan proceed. remodelling Canton city & Kupper Island reclamation
Nr: 1369 GEMEENTE ANDERLECHT - LEENING 15000000 FR. 1918 (CITY) , Obligatie van 500 Frank 4,5%, 1918, green, stylished border
Nr: 1370 ZOECHROME, LTD (FILM/PATENTS, UK) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound, 1929, blue, , embossed seal with sun rays, pioneer in color film techniques, rare
Nr: 1371 DUNDEE PERTH AND LONDON SHIPPING CO. (SHIPPING, UK/SCOTLAND) , Shares of 10 Pounds, 1880, red, , embossed seal with steamer
Nr: 1372 ILARO RUBBER AND PRODUCE ESTATES LTD, THE (RUBBER, NIGERIA/UK) , Shares of 2 Shillings, 1910, red, , embossed seal
Nr: 1373 UPPER WATUT GOLD ALLUVIALS NL (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/AUSTRALIA) , 100 Shares of 5/-, 1935, green, brown, , embossed seal
Nr: 1374 C.D.F. DU NORD-DONETZ, CIE. DU (RAILROAD, RUSSIA/BELGIUM) , Obligation 4,5% de 187,50 Rbles=500F=.., 1908, green, black, small coat-of-arms of russion double-headed eagle, text in Russian & French, watermark pattern
Nr: 1375 C.D.F. DE MOSCOU-KAZAN (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation 4,5% 187,50 Rbls=Frs500=£19,15,6…, 1914, purple, black, small coat-of-arms of russion double-headed eagle, text in Russian and French, watermark pattern
Nr: 1376 C.D.F. DE MOSCOU-KIEF-VORONEGE (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation 4,5% 187,50 Rbls=Frs500=£19,15,6…, 1914, purple, black, small coat-of-arms of russion double-headed eagle, text in Russian and French, watermark pattern
Nr: 1377 KINGDOM OF ROUMANIA - CONSOLIDATION LOAN 1922 (STATE, RUMANIA) , Bond of 10 Pounds 4%, 1923, green, black, farmer woman with oxen, text in English, French and Rumanian; vignette repeated on rear;large format
Nr: 1378 NATIONAL BANK SARAJEVO (BANKS, YUGOSLAVIA) , 5 Shares of 100 Dinar, 1922, green, purple, black, , text in Cyrillic
Nr: 1380 ISRAEL GOVERNMENT - LOTTERY BOND (STATE, ISRAEL) , Lottery Bond of 5 Lirot, 1950, red, black, , text in Hebrew, F condition
Nr: 1387 DIMITAR BLAGOEV, CO-OPERATIVE (STATE, BULGARIA) , 5 Shares of 100 Leva, unissued, 1940s, red, pink, black, portrait drawing of Dimitar Blagoev in underprint, communist hammer and sickle in corners, rare, founder of the Bulgarian socialism and h
Nr: 1388 ALASKA UNITED GOLD MINING CO. (GOLD MINING, USA) , 20 Shares of 5 Dollars, 1895, blue, black, miners with horse digging in the mountains, female winged head, early Alaska gold mining
Nr: 1391 AYUNTAMIENTO DE LA HABANA - ISLA DE CUBA (CITY, CUBA) , Obligacion 6% 100 Pesos = 500 Ptas = 500 Fcos etc, 1889, green, black, ship near lighthouse, people near fountain, pair of coat-of-arms, allegorical figures on rear, text in French, Spanish
Nr: 1393 INDUSTRIE DE NAPHTE G.M.LIANOSOFF FILS, SOC.DE (OIL, RUSSIA) , Action de 100 Roubles, 1911, green, black, , text in Russian and French
Nr: 1394 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Prov. Cert. 6% Constr. Bond 500 $, hs. R. Schuyler, 1852, black on blue paper, , hs. Robert Schuyler, denomination in Dollars and Pounds, ILL-079a-O-05
Nr: 1397 NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD CO., THE (RAILROADS, USA) , Bond $1000 3,5%, 1898, green, black, large vignette of train in front of ships in wharf, embossed seal
Nr: 1400 CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS, CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPOLIS RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Gen. Mortg. Cons. 6% Gold Bond $1000, 1884, green, black, front : american eagle, logger and buffalo, coat-of-arms with mountains ans shelf; rear : ship in harbour, t
Nr: 1401 NEW RING MILL CO. (TEXTILE, INDIA) , Ordinary shares of Rs.100, 1906, black,
Nr: 1403 SALVADOR RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, EL SALVADOR/UK) , 5% Mortg. Debenture of 100 Pounds, 1899, red, black, stylished border with peacocks, fruits .., SAL-972-B-30 iu,condition VF

condition VF
Nr: 1404 OMNIBUS DE MARSEILLE, CIE. GEN. DES (RAILROADS/HORSE TRAMWAYS/BUS, FRANCE) , Obligation F250, 1880, buff, black, coat-of-arms in stylished border, Artist: Renard, design by A. Renard, embossed seal
Nr: 1405 KRISTIANSTAD-HESSLEHOLMS JÄRNVÄGSAKTIEBOLAG (RAILROADS, SWEDEN) , Aktiebref 100 Kronor, 1906, buff, black, green, railway map in part of the country, rare
Nr: 1406 ÖSTRA CENTRALBANANS JERNVÄGSAKTIEBOLAG (RAILROADS, SWEDEN) , Aktiebref  100 Kronor, 1900, black, grey, red, train passing over bridge and rower, railway map in part of the country, crowned coat-of-arms, lion in border, .., scarce
Nr: 1411 TONKINOISE DE TRAMWAYS A VAPEUR SUR ROUTES S.A., CIE. (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, FRENCH INDOCHINA/FRANCE) , Action Nominative de F500, 1900, brown, light green, , scarce, early Indochina railroad certificate
Nr: 1412 CHICAGO, BURLINGTON AND QUINCY RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 100 Shares of $100, 10/1/1903, brown, black, passengers and man carrying freight near waiting train, CHI-086-S-51a ic
Nr: 1413 NORTH BUTTE MINING CO. (MINING, USA) , Less than 100 shares of $15, 1912, green, black, miners working with drill, copper mine, embossed seal
Nr: 1415 FERROCARRIL DE SAN FELIU DE GUIXOLS A GERONA (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 5 Acciones 500 Pts, 1890, blue, brown, ships, bridge, mountains, allegorical figures, coat-of-arms, train, city view of Gerona, harbour of S.Feliu de Guixols, scarce and decorative
Nr: 1417 LA SALVADORA, CIA. DE SECUROS MARITIMOS, AVALES Y SUBVENC. (INSURANCE/SHIPPING, SPAIN) , Titulo de VEINTE Acciones de 5000 reales, 1857, black, engravings of sinking ships in storms, drowning people being rescued, lighthouse, Golden Fleece and mu
Nr: 1418 IMPERIAL GOV. OF RUSSIA - CONS.4% RAILROAD BONDS (RAILROADS/STATE, RUSSIA) , 10 Bonds of 125 Gold Roubles = 1250 G.R., 4%, 1889, red, russian imperial double-headed eagle, text in Russian, French, German and English
Nr: 1421 TOLEDO, LOGANSPORT AND BURLINGTON RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Common shares of $50, 1864, black, speeding train, farmers at work, dog on safe, TOL-424-S-30 iu (uncancelled issue)
Nr: 1423 PHILADELPHIA AND GRAY'S FERRY PASSENGER RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $50, 1867, black, building and horse-drawn streetcar, PHI-533-S-40 ic, VF condition
Nr: 1424 FAIRMOUNT PARK AND HADDINGTON PASSENGER RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $50, 1895, green, black, electric streetcar, embossed seal, scarce, FAI-743-S-50 ic
Nr: 1426 CAMINOS DE HIERRO DEL SUR DE ESPANA, CIA. DE LOS (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Obligacion de 500 Pts a interés variable, 1919, red, buff-pink, , text in Spanish and French, 8740N
Nr: 1429 UPPER EGYPT IRRIGATION CO., THE (AGRICULTURE, EGYPT/SUDAN) , 2 Action de L.Eg. 25, 1910, bown, blue, black, farmers with camels in irrigated farming zone, sfinx in underprint, large decorative certificate, text in French
Nr: 1430 SIEMENS ELEKTRISCHE BETRIEBE AG (ELECTRICALS, GERMANY) , Teilschuldverschreibung 500 Mark 4,5%, 1901, orange-pink, gray-blue, black, stylished border, embossed seal
Nr: 1432 MARIETTA AND CINCINNATI RAIL ROAD CO. - REORG. 1860 (RAILROADS, USA) , 1st class preferred shares of $50, 1864, black, red, train l-r, dog on safe box, revenu stamp, MAR-149-S-55 ic
Nr: 1433 CLARKSBURG, WESTON AND GLENVILLE RAILROAD AND TRANSPORT. CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $50, 1882, black, men at loco in station, embossed seal, CLA-688-S-20 ic
Nr: 1434 LOUISVILLE RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, USA) , Preferred shares of $100, unissued, 18.., red, black, streetcar , woman with ligthning, LOU-391a-S-82 uu
Nr: 1435 LOUISVILLE RAILWAY CO., THE (RAILROADS, USA) , Common shares of $100, unissued-signed-cancelled, 18.., brown-red, black, streetcar , woman with ligthning, LOU-391a-S-56 uc

as with most pieces right border closely trimmed
Nr: 1436 NEW YORK AND GREENWOOD LAKE RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. Bond Scrip, 1879, black, , scarce, small format, cat: NEW-606-O-20 ic
Nr: 1437 INDIANA, ILLINOIS AND IOWA RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. Gold Bond of 1950 4% $1000, 1900, brown, black, train nr 25 in station, embossed seal, IND-284b-B-50 ic
Nr: 1438 MICHIGAN CENTRAIL RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 3,5% Gold bond $1000, 1901, blue-green, black, men turning loco, allegorical women near co.name, embossed seal, MIC-182c-B-30 ic
Nr: 1440 MOSCOW-WINDAU-RYBINSK RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, RUSSIAN EMPIRE) , Bond 4% 100£ = 945Rbls = 2040RM = 1200DG, 1899, blue, black, , text in Russian, English and German
Nr: 1441 FERRO-CARRIL DE PALENCIA A PONFERRADA (NOROESTE DE ESPANA) (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 Obligacion de 1900 Reales 3%, 1862, brown, black, coat-of-arms in upper and loco in lower border, embossed seal with coat-of-arms, text in Spanish and French, cat.7
Nr: 1442 FERRO-CARRIL DE PALENCIA A PONFERRADA (NOROESTE DE ESPANA) (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 Obligacion de 1900 Reales 3%, 1863, brown-buff, black, coat-of-arms in upper and loco in lower border, embossed seal with coat-of-arms, text in Spanish and French,
Nr: 1444 INTERNATIONALE 5,5% ANLEIHE DES DEUTSCHEN REICHS 1930 (STATE, GERMANY/BELGIUM) , Schuldverschreibung 1000 Belgas oder 5000 B.F., 1930, brown, black, pink, , one of the few Belga pieces; text in German, English and French
Nr: 1445 INTERNATIONALE 5,5% ANLEIHE DES DEUTSCHEN REICHS 1930 (STATE, GERMANY/BELGIUM) , Schuldverschreibung 100 Belgas oder 500 B.F., 1930, brown, black, buff-orange, , one of the few Belga pieces; text in German, English and French
Nr: 1446 CHARBONNAGES DU RHIN, S.A.FRANCAISE. DES (COAL MINING, GERMANY/FRANCE) , Obligation de F315, intérêt annuel 18F, 1870, brown, buff, blue, , embossed seal, scarce, VF-
Nr: 1447 BANQUE DE COMMERCE DE TIFLIS (BANKS, RUSSIA) , Action de 200 Roubles, 1913, brown, blue, black, printed seal of co.monogram, EF+ condition
Nr: 1448 IWANGOROD-DOMBROWA EISENBAHN-GESELLSCHAFT (RAILROADS, RUSSIA/POLAND) , Obligation 4,5% 125 Rbl. Met., 1882, brown, black, , text in Russian, German, Polish and French; watermark pattern
Nr: 1449 EMBRANCHEMENTS DE CHEMINS DE FER, SOC. DES (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , 4,5% Obligation 187,50 Roubles=Frcs500=.., 1913, brown, black, , text in Russian and French; watermark pattern
Nr: 1450 NAPHTE, SOC. RUSSE (OIL, RUSSIA) , Action de 100 Roubles, 1914, blue, dark-blue, black, , text in Russian and  French, watermark pattern
Nr: 1451 WAR SAVING PALESTINE LOTTERY (STATE, EGYPT/PALESTINE) , Lottery Bond of 10 Pounds, unissued, 1948, brown, buff, vignette of King Farouk
Nr: 1452 TIENTSIN-PUKOW-STAATSEISENBAHN (RAILROADS/STATE, CHINA) , Sterling-Fundierings-Anteilschein 12£ zinslos 1938, 1938, red, , cat. 172/3-201/2 SCRIP ; watermark pattern
Nr: 1454 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Gen.Refund.Mortg. 5% Gold Bond $1000, 1924, orange, black, train and track workers with ship and factory in background, embossed seal with station, cat. NOR-596-B-50 ic
Nr: 1455 JAMESTOWN, FRANKLIN AND CLEARFIELD RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 1st Mortg. 4% Gold Bond $1000, 1909, blue, black, allogorical woman and man in front of angel with torch, embossed seal, cat. JAM-500-B-45 ic
Nr: 1456 BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 10 shares of $100 common stock trust, 190_, 1900, blue, black, Liberty in front of the capital, cat. BAL-662d-S-46a ic
Nr: 1458 OXELÖSUNDS JÄRNVERKSAKTIEBOLAG (METAL WORKS, SWEDEN) , 10 Shares = 1000 Kronor, 1914, buff-yellow, black, , large swedish steel producer
Nr: 1459 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 5 Ordinary Shares of £5, 1905, brown, light-brown, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal, text in French and E
Nr: 1460 KUNSTEISBAHN UND GARTENBAD BIEL, GENOSSENSCHAFT (SPORTS/ICE HOCKEY/SWIMMING, SWITZERLAND) , Anteilschein 100 Franken, 1959, grey, black, red, large underprint painting of ice hockey stadion and swimming pool, coat-of-arms, Artist: des. André Walt
Nr: 1461 STAATS-EISENBAHN-GESELLSCH., K.K.PRIV.ÖSTERR. (RAILROADS/STATE, AUSTRIA) , 1 Obligation 500 Franken 3% - Ergänzungs-Netz, 1867, red, green, black, blue paper, rich border of : lots of angels, railway scenes, austrian double-headed eagle with coat
Nr: 1462 CHEMIN DE FER DE CLERMONT-FERRAND AU SOMMET DU PUY-DE-DÔME (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Action de F250, 1907, green, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1537 MARTIN BURN LTD (HOLDING, INDIA/UK) , Convertible Note Rs. 500 4%, 1946, brown, elephant in border
Nr: 1538 TRANSVALIA LAND EXPLORATION AND MINING CO. LTD (MINING,TRANSVAAL/SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , 1 Ordinary share of 1 Pd, 1889, brown, black, , embossed seal, early South African certificate
Nr: 1539 WASHINGTON TURNPIKE CO. (TOLL ROAD, USA) , Shares, unissued, 181., black,
Nr: 1540 KURSK-CHARKOW-ASOW EISENBAHN-GES. (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation 1000 Mark = 1235 Frs. 4%, 1889, black, red-pink, , text in Russian, French and German
Nr: 1541 LONDON AND NORTH EASTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK) , 5% Preferred Ordinary Stock, 1927, black on buff paper, , watermark of co.name
Nr: 1545 KALMAR LÄNS ÖSTRA JERNVÄGS AB (RAILROADS, SWEDEN) , Stamaktie 100 Kronor, 1896, green, yellow, black, coat-of-arms, train, 4 corner vignettes including one with the Kalmar castle, scarce and decorative swedish railroad
Nr: 1547 FERROCARRILES DE TOLUCA A TENANGO Y SN. JUAN (RAILROAD, MEXICO) , 1 Accion 100 Pesos, 1907, blue, black, pink underprint, mexican train passing  porters with donkey and dog, decorative mexican railway cert., revenu stamp
Nr: 1548 FERROCARRILES DE TOLUCA A TENANGO Y SN. JUAN (RAILROAD, MEXICO) , 10  Acciones = 1000 Pesos, 1907, green, black, mexican train passing  porters with donkey and dog, decorative mexican railway cert., revenu stamp
Nr: 1549 FERROCARRILES DE TOLUCA A TENANGO Y SN. JUAN (RAILROAD, MEXICO) , 20  Acciones = 2000 Pesos, 1907, light green, brown, black, mexican train passing  porters with donkey and dog, decorative mexican railway cert., revenu stamps
Nr: 1550 RANICHERRA TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Shares of Rs. 10, 10/4/1947, black, yellow, , embossed seal, scarce, VF
Nr: 1551 TONGANI TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Shares of Rs. 10, cap. 600000 overprinted, 1957, brown, yellow, black, , embossed seal, revenu stamp
Nr: 1552 CONSOLIDATED MINES, INC. (MINING, PHILIPPINES) , Shares, 1946, black, gold seal, large scene of Philippine island coast, map of the Philippines, gold seal, border with bamboo sticks and leaves, rare Philippines mining certificate, gold seal
Nr: 1553 ORIENTAL GOLD MINING CO. OF INDIA LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (1 Pound paid), 1896, red, flowers around the company monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1554 WENTWORTH GOLD MINING AND INDIAN ESTATES CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound ( 17 Shillings paid ), 1887, green, , rare and early Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1555 TAMBRACHERRY ESTATES AND WYNAAD GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1882, black, , scarce and early Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1556 TAMBRACHERRY ESTATES CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (12 S. 6DD. paid), 1887, black, , scarce and early Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1557 SANGLI GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (16 S. paid), 1906, blue, , scarce Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1559 NILGHERRY AND SOUTH INDIAN GOLD MINING SYNDICATE LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1880, black, red revenu stamps, , extremely rare and early Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1560 INDIAN CONSOLIDATED GOLD CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1886, green, , scarce, early Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1563 ROAD BLOCK GOLD MINING CO. OF INDIA, LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (16 Sh. Paid), 1900, green, twig leaves around co.monogram, scarce Indian gold mine cert., embossed seal
Nr: 1565 NUNDYDROOG CO., LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 10 Shillings, 1905, green, printers decorative element at left, hs. John Taylor, scarce., embossed seal
Nr: 1566 HUTTI (NIZAM'S) GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, capital 50000 overprinted, 1909, brown, co.monogram, rare, embossed seal
Nr: 1567 HOSUR GOLD MINES OF DHARWAR LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (partly paid), 1908, green, , rare, embossed seal
Nr: 1568 NINE REEFS CO. (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 5 Sh. (partly paid), 1901, brown, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1569 NINE REEFS CO. (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Preference shares of 5 Sh., 1901, blue, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1570 NINE REEFS CO. (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Preference shares of 5 Sh. (partly paid), 1903, green, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1571 MYSORE REEFS AND GENERAL EXPLORATION CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound, 1904, brown, co.monogram, clouds, embossed seal
Nr: 1582 ANANTAPUR GOLD FIELD LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pounds (partly paid), cap. 30K overpr., 1909, green, , scarce, embossed seal
Nr: 1583 JIBUTIL GOLD MINES OF ANANTAPUR LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 10 Shillings, 1911, black, co.monogram, embossed seal, VF
Nr: 1584 JIBUTIL ( ANANTAPUR) GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Preference shares of 10 Shillings, 1913, dark blue on blue paper, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1585 JIBUTIL ( ANANTAPUR) GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 10 Shillings (partly paid), 1914, black on pink paper, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1586 JIBUTIL ( ANANTAPUR) GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 10 Shillings, 1914, black on green paper, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1587 MIJNBOUW-MAATSCHAPPIJ SIMAU (MINING, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Aandeel 100 Gulden Indisch Courant, 1907, blue, , VF
Nr: 1588 F.M.F. LIFE INSURANCE CO., INC. (INSURANCE, PHILIPPINES) , Shares of 1 P., 1960, red, black, red seal,
Nr: 1592 SONAPET PROPRIETARY GOLD MINING CO., LTD (GOLDMINING, INDIA) , Founders share of 1 Re., 1890, red-pink, , scarce, stamped company seal, Anna revenu stamps
Nr: 1594 TIENTSIN-PUKOW RAILWAY 5% LOANS 1908/1910, CHINESE GOV. (RAILROADS/STATE, CHINA/UK) , Fract. Scrip 1/3 Funding Bond £12:0:0, 1938, red,
Nr: 1595 TIENTSIN-PUKOW RAILWAY 5% LOANS 1908/1910, CHINESE GOV. (RAILROADS/STATE, CHINA/UK) , Fract. Scrip 1/3 Funding Bond £6:0:0, 1938, green, , issued by HSBC
Nr: 1596 TIENTSIN-PUKOW RAILWAY 5% LOANS 1908/1910, CHINESE GOV. (RAILROADS/STATE, CHINA/UK) , Fract. Scrip 1/3 Funding Bond £11:10:0, 1938, blue, , issued by HSBC
Nr: 1597 FONCIERE DU DOMAINE DE CHEIKH FADL S.A., SOC. (PROPERTY/BANK, EGYPT) , 25 Actions de L.Eg. 4, 1938, black, pink, farmers binding wood on dromedary, palm trees, farmer with ploughing oxen at dawn near the Nile
Nr: 1598 GEMEENTE BUITENZORG (CITY, INDONESIA/NETHERLANDS) , Recepis 1 Obligatie 1000 Gulden, specimen, 1925, brown, , scarce
Nr: 1602 SUCRERIES ET DE LA RAFFINERIE D'EGYPTE S.A.E., SOC. GEN. DES (FOOD/SUGAR, EGYPT/FRANCE) , Action Ordinaire de F100, 1906, blue, buff,
Nr: 1603 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 1 Ordinary Share of £5, 1905, blue, green, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal; text in French, Arabic and E
Nr: 1604 TRANVIAS DE CHIHUAHUA, CIA.DE (RAILROAD/TRAMWAY, MEXICO) , Acciones de 10 Pesos, 1902, green, black, train, rare mexican railway cert., large format, revenu stamp
Nr: 1605 FERROCARRIL MINERAL DE CHIHUAHUA S.A., CIA. DEL (RAILROAD, MEXICO) , Accion de 100 Pesos, 1899, green, black, train approaching  in steep valley, on rear: miners digging, decorative mexican railway cert., revenu stamp
Nr: 1606 FERROCARRIL MINERAL DE CHIHUAHUA S.A., CIA. DEL (RAILROAD, MEXICO) , Bono Fundador de 100 Pesos, 1899, blue, black, train approaching  in steep valley, books and vases, oncoming loco in border seal below, decorative mexican railway cert., revenu
Nr: 1607 GUAYULERA MEXICANA S.A., CIA (RUBBER/PLANTATIONS, MEXICO) , Accion de $100, 1906, blue, green, large scene of waterfall, natives at cabin and vulcano, condition VF/splits repaired, very decorative
Nr: 1609 TRANSFORMADORA DE MATERIAS PRIMAS NACIONAIS, CIA. (CONSTRUCTION, PORTUGAL) , 1 Acção de 500$00, 1943, brown, buff, black, Leiria Castle in underprint, embossed seal
Nr: 1610 MORAGHAT TEA CO., LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Shares of Rs. 10 - capital raised to 2000000, 1962, black, yellow, , embossed seal, revenu stamp
Nr: 1611 ALASKA PETROLEUM CO. (OIL, USA) , Shares of $1, 1898, orange, gold, black, oil derricks, flowers, horse with chariot in corners, embossed seal on preprinted gold seal, early Alaskan
Nr: 1613 MINES D'OR DE LA NAVA DE JADRAQUE, CIE. DES (GOLD MINING, SPAIN/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1895, buff-yellow, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1615 COUNTY OF LETCHER - ROAD AND BRIDGE REFUNDING BOND OF 1940 (BRIDGES/ROADS, USA) , Bond of $1000 2.5%/3% , specimen, 1940, green, black, coat of arms, medaillon of 'Columbia', extremely rare
Nr: 1464 GREEK GOVERNMENT RAILWAY 8% GOLD LOAN 1925 (RAILROADS, GREECE/BLGM) , 5 Bonds  8% of 100$=500$, 1925, green, buff, black, steaming loco in upper border and another loco with griffins on rear, text in English, French and Greek
Nr: 1465 GREEK GOVERNMENT RAILWAY 8% GOLD LOAN 1925 (RAILROADS, GREECE/BLGM) , 1 Bonds  8% of 100$, 1925, green, buff-yellow, black, steaming loco in upper border and another loco with griffins on rear, text in English, French and Greek
Nr: 1466 GUAYAQUIL AND QUITO RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, ECUADOR/USA) , Cert. For $100, 1909, green,
Nr: 1467 FERRO CARRILES DE VALENCIA Y ARAGON, CIA. DE LOS (RAILROADS, SPAIN/BELGIUM) , Obligacion Hipotecaria de 500 Pts 3%, 1888,  red, coat-of-arms, text in Spanish and French; cat. 9100B; revenue stamp, VF condition
Nr: 1468 TOURNAI A JURBISE ET DE LANDEN A HASSELT, S.A. DES C.D.F. DE (RAILROADS, BELGIUM) , Action de dividende à rev. var., 1906, red, light-green, , VF condition
Nr: 1469 MAGASINS A BOIS ET SCIERIES DE LA SAMBRE S.A. (WOOD, BELGIUM) , Part de fondateur, 1922, green, buff, view on the woods, sawmill machine in action, decorative piece
Nr: 1471 LA CHANOINESSE LIQUEUR DE L'ABBAYE DE BOUXIERES-AUX-DAMES (LIQUOR, FRANCE) , Obligation de F100 5%, 1894, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1473 NIAGARA RIVER BRIDGE CO. (BRIDGES, USA) , Shares of $100, unissued, 188., black, train on bridge over river, flags
Nr: 1474 CHEMIN DE FER DE LA MER NOIRE, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation de 187 Rbls 50 kp 4,5%, 1913, green, black, , text in Russian and French; watermark pattern
Nr: 1475 CHEMIN DE FER DE L'ALTAI, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation de 187 Rbls 50 kp 4,5%, 1912, green, black, , text in Russian and French; watermark pattern
Nr: 1476 ST.NICHOLAS OIL CO. (OIL/USA) , Shares of 10$, 1865, extremely light buff color, men handling barrels of oil under derrick, early oil certificate, heavily pen-cancelled otherwise EF condition
Nr: 1478 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 25 Ordinary Shares of £5, 1905, pink, black, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal, text in French and English
Nr: 1479 LAND BANK OF EGYPT, THE (BANK, EGYPT) , 25 Ordinary Shares of £5, 1905, pink, black, farmer with cows near arabic village, rich border with ancient egyptian pictures ( cleopatra, .), Artist: Fraipont, G., embossed seal, text in French and English
Nr: 1480 GRAND HOTEL ET DU CASINO DE BIARRITZ, S.A. DES ETS DU (CASINOS/HOTEL, FRANCE) , Obligation de F500 5%, 1880, brown-buff, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1482 BERGEN NECK RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $100, unissued, 18__, black, train and passengers in station, tiny medaillons, scarce, cat. BER-172-S-40 uu
Nr: 1483 LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Bond of $1000 7%, 1851, black, , early railroad certificate, cat. LIT-283a-B-30 ic
Nr: 1485 CHICAGO, INDIANAPOLIS AND LOUISVILLE RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , First Gen. Mortg. 5% Gold Bond $1000 due May 1966, 1916, blue, black, trains in station, embossed seal, cat CHI-300-B-46 ic
Nr: 1486 HOMESTEAD FIRE INSURANCE CO. (INSURANCE, USA) , Shares of $10, 1928,  blue, black,  people and automobile in front of house
Nr: 1487 HIGHLAND VALLEY POWER CO. (ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, USA) , First Cons. Mortg. Bond $500 6%, 1909, green, black, view on the power station at  river in valley, embossed seal, decorative
Nr: 1488 PENNSYLVANIA PETROLEUM CO. (PETROLEUM, USA) , First Mortg. Gold Bond 5% 20 Yr $100, 1905, green, black, oil derricks, embossed seal
Nr: 1489 PENNSYLVANIA PETROLEUM CO. (PETROLEUM, USA) , First Mortg. Gold Bond 5% 20 Yr $500, 1905, brown, black, oil derricks, embossed seal
Nr: 1491 CHARBONNAGES-UNIS DU BASSIN DE NAMUR, S.A. DES (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM/FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1876, olive, black, border vignettes with views of Namur and  coat-of-arms, Artist: Renard, A., decorative and scarce Belgian coal-mining certificate
Nr: 1492 BUFFELSDOORN ESTATE AND GOLD MINING CO. LTD., THE (GOLD MINING, TRANSVAAL/BOERS/SOUTH AFRICA) , 10 Shares of £1, 1899,  green, black, buffel, mining sceen, machinery, factory in mountains, variant : lower border with shadowed '10' & flowers,date
Nr: 1494 RIAZAN-URALSK RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , 5 Bonds 4% 625 Gold Rbls =£98.17.6=2500Frcs=2020RM, 1894, blue, black, , text in Russian, French, German and English, watermark pattern
Nr: 1495 INTERNAT. 5,5% ANL. DES DEUTSCHEN REICHS 1930 - SCHWED. AUSG (STATE, GERMANY/SWEDEN) , Schuldverschreibung 1000 Schwedischen Kronen., 1930, green, black, pink, , text in German, Swedish, English and French
Nr: 1496 INTERNAT. 5,5% ANL. DES DEUTSCHEN REICHS 1930 - SCHWED. AUSG (STATE, GERMANY/SWEDEN) , Schuldverschreibung 5000 Schwedischen Kronen., 1930, green, black, brown, , text in German, Swedish, English and French
Nr: 1497 CHAMPAGNES VVE. A. DEVAUX, SOC. NOUV. DES (WINE/CHAMPAGNE, FRANCE) , Cert. Nom. d'Actions de F1000, 1941, blue, black, , issued to Pierre Auguste Laurent Devaux, well-known champagne house
Nr: 1499 HOWRAH-AMTA LIGHT RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILROADS, INDIA) , Shares of 100 Rs., unissued, 1908, 190_, black-grey/blue,
Nr: 1500 MOON MILLS LTD, THE (TEXTILE, INDIA) , 1 Share of Rs 250, 1911, brown, , jugendstil border, embossed seal, text in English and Indian language, scarce
Nr: 1501 ORISSA COTTON MILLS LTD (TEXTILE, INDIA) , Preference shares, overstamped 20 Rs., 1962, blue, light-blue, , inkt stains in border, otherwise EF
Nr: 1502 INDIAN STANDARD WAGON CO. LTD (METAL WORKS, INDIA) , Ordin. shares of Rs. 25 (Cap. Overstamped 400000), 1959, green, black,
Nr: 1503 INDIAN STANDARD WAGON CO. LTD (METAL WORKS, INDIA) , Ordinary shares of Rs. 25, 1946, green, black,
Nr: 1504 KURSK-KIEW EISENBAHN-GES. (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , Obligation 1000 Deutsche RW 4% Prio.-Anl., 1887, green, black, , embossed seal, text in Russian and German
Nr: 1507 NATIONAL METAL INDUSTRIES S.A. EGYPT., THE (METAL WORKS, EGYPT) , 5 Actions de L.E.4 = 20 L.E., 1947, multicolor, large vignette of the steelworks inside, large format, very decorative and striking vignette
Nr: 1508 PIRAEUS-ATHENS-PELOPONNESUS RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, GREECE) , Bond 5% 200 Drachme, 1899, black, brown, allegorical women with winged wheel, text in Greek, stamp with loco, loco on rear
Nr: 1509 CHARBONNAGES REUNIS DE FALNUEE ET DE WARTONLIEUX (COAL-MINING, BELGIUM) , Action, 1856, red, yellow, black, green, , rare and early coal-mining certificate, large format, tears repaired
Nr: 1510 MADRID A ZARAGOZA Y ALICANTE, CIA. DE LOS FERROCARRILES DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Obligacion de 500 Pts 5%, 1918, green, black, railway bridge, coat-of-arms with crown, railway station, loco in underprint, text in Spanish
Nr: 1511 SIERRA RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 40-Yr Sink.F. Income Bond 5% $1000, 1936, green, black, allegorical woman with spear and helmet and coat-of-arms and bear, embossed seal, scarce, cat. SIE-120-B-60 ic
Nr: 1513 ADAM FILMS LTD (FILM, UK) , Shares, issued to and signed by Roger Livesey, 1949, brown , red seal, red seal 'Adam Films', signed by Roger Livesey, issued to Roger Livesey Productions, red seal, rare
Nr: 1514 GREAT NORTH OF SCOTLAND RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, UK/SCOTLAND) , 4% Guarant. Stock, 1914, black, stylished seal with company name, embossed seal with coat-of-arms, scarce
Nr: 1516 BERTHA AND EDITH GOLD MINING CO. (GOLD MINING, USA) , 100 Shares of $10 (stamped 500000 shares of 1$), 1878, black, miners washing ore at river, handsigned by civil war Brig.Gen. John E. Mulford
Nr: 1517 AMLUCKIE TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Equity Shares of Rs. 10, unissued, 1960s, black, yellow, red,
Nr: 1518 DIBRU-SADIYA TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Debenture 6% Rs. 100, 1938, green,
Nr: 1519 KURSIONG AND DARJEELING TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , 5 Shares of Rs. 50, 1897, black, , early tea company
Nr: 1520 KURSIONG AND DARJEELING TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 50 Rs., 1924, black, , renown and early tea company
Nr: 1521 TORI COAL AND MINERALS PROSPECTING CO. LTD (COAL MINING, INDIA) , Ordinary shares of Rs. 10, 1919, black, , scarce Indian coal mining certificate, revenu stamp
Nr: 1523 CUTHBERT'S MISIMA GOLDMINE LTD (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/AUSTRALIA) , 100 Shares of 10/-, 1937, black on yellow paper, , embossed seal
Nr: 1525 HOWRAH-SHEAKHALLA LIGHT RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 100 Rs., unissued, 1900, black, red on yellow-green,
Nr: 1526 RADIO-BELGIQUE S.A. (RADIO, BELGIUM) , Cert. Nominat. d'Actions de Capital de F500, 1924, blue, , 1st radio in Belgium, early and extremely rare, historic
Nr: 1527 TENNESSEE NORTH EASTERN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 40-Yr 5% 1st Mortg. Gold Bond $100, 1909, brown, black, gold seal, , text in English and French, cat. TEN-579-B-50 iu, large format
Nr: 1528 TAQUARIL GOLD MINING CO. (GOLD MINING, BRAZIL/UK) , Shares, 1870, black, , embossed seal with coat-of-arms, rare, splits repaired with archival tape
Nr: 1529 FICHARDT KOPJE SYNDICATE LTD (MINING, SOUTH AFRICA) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1889, blue, light-green/yellow, , early South-African mining certificate, scarce
Nr: 1530 SHERMAN AND BARNSDALL OIL CO. (OIL, USA) , Shares of 2.50 Dollars, partly issued, 1860s, black, early oil well scenery with lots of men handling barrels, early petroleum company
Nr: 1531 EAST ORION GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , Shares of 100 Pounds, 1896, black, , scarce gold mining certificate, folds otherwise EF
Nr: 1532 DE KAAP GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound, 1889, black, , early south african gold mining certificate, condition VF - left corner missing
Nr: 1533 BARRETT GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, SOUTH AFRICA/UK) , Shares of 10 Shillings, 1895, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1534 WLADICAUCAUSE RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, RUSSIA) , 4% Bond 125 Rbls, 1885,  brown, buff, black, , denomination in watermark
Nr: 1535 HOWRAH MILLS CO. LTD (TEXTILE, INDIA) , A Preference shares of Rs. 100, 1906, blue, red, large underprint of the mills in light blue color, condition VF-
Nr: 1573 MYSORE GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 10 Shillings, 1912, brown, co.monogram, leaves, hs. John Taylor, embossed seal, VF
Nr: 1574 NEW KEMPINKOTE GOLD FIELD LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 5 Shillings (3 Sh. 9p. Paid), 1901, purple, co.monogram, embossed seal
Nr: 1575 KABULGITTI GOLD MINES LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 5 Shillings, 1911, brown, , scarce
Nr: 1576 DHARWAR REEFS CO., LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (partly paid), 1905, brown, , hs. John Taylor, embossed seal
Nr: 1577 DHARWAR GOLD MINES, LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (partly paid), 1907, red, , hs. John Taylor, embossed seal
Nr: 1578 DHARWAR GOLD MINES, LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pound (partly paid), 1902, blue, , hs. John Taylor, embossed seal
Nr: 1579 BALAGHAT GOLD MINING CO. (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound (2 Sh. 6p. paid), 1902, brown on blue paper, , scarce, embossed seal
Nr: 1580 BALAGHAT GOLD MINING CO. (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 10 Shillings (7 Sh. paid), 1920, blue, , embossed seal
Nr: 1581 ANANTAPUR GOLD FIELD LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Shares of 1 Pounds (partly paid), 1906, green, , rare, embossed seal
Nr: 1618 VINHOS E AZEITES DE PORTUGAL, CIA. DE (WINE/FOOD, PORTUGAL) , 10 Acções Privilegiadas de 80 Esc., 1920, green, buff-pink, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1619 UNGARISCHE HYPOTHEKEN-BANK (BANKS, HUNGARY) , 4% Pfandbrief 500 Frs.G.=476,13 Kronen=405 D.RM., 1911, black, red, coat of arms with angels, text in Hungarian, French and German;embossed seal, large format
Nr: 1621 CHARITON TELEPHONE COMPANY (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares of $100, 1896, blue, , rare and early, embossed seal
Nr: 1623 COMPREHENSIVE COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. (C.C.S.) (COMPUTERS, USA) , 100 Common shares, 1969, blue, black, co.logo with computer tape
Nr: 1625 VIACAO URBANA A VAPOR, CIA. DE (RAILROADS/TRAMWAYS, PORTUGAL) , Obrigacao Hypothecaria 6% de 50 Reis, 1893, pink, black, , scarce, not in the Boone cat.
Nr: 1626 AMERICAN SUMATRA TOBACCO CO. (TOBACCO, USA) , 7% cumulative preferred shares of $100, 1922, orange, black, eagle on bee-hive, embossed seal, condition VF
Nr: 1627 NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA AND OHIO RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 2nd Mortg. 5% Bond  $1000=£200, 1880, green, black, train r-l in front of factory, condition VF-, embossed seal with train, cat. NEW-730-B-51 iu, fs. Devereux
Nr: 1629 DENNOS FOOD SALES CO. (FOOD, USA) , Preferred shares, 1915, black on pink paper, 2 vignettes of baby's, embossed seal, small format
Nr: 1631 ETAINS DE PORTUGAL, SOC. DES (MINING, PORTUGAL/BELGIUM) , 5 Actions Ordinaires de F100, 1900, brown, light-green,
Nr: 1633 TAIWAN KOGYO KABUSHIKI KAISHA (WOOD/PAPER? , JAPAN/TAIWAN) , 500 Yen share, 1940, dark geen-blue, light green, paper rolls and leafs in borders, embossed seal, stamped chop seals, watermark
Nr: 1634 NANYANG TOBACCO CO. (TOBACCO, HONG-KONG/UK/CHINA) , Share certificate, unissued, 1950s, green, light-green, red seal, , large tobacco manufacturer
Nr: 1639 ALBERTA PETROLEUM CONSOLIDATED LTD (OIL, CANADA) , Shares of $1, 1914, brown, black, gold, oil derricks in plain with mountains, embossed seal on preprinted gold seal, embossed seal on reverse
Nr: 1640 OUTRE-MER, CIE. GENERALE D' (SHIPPING, FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1924, green, pink-orange, vignettes of shipping flag, steamer
Nr: 1641 GOBLE AVIATION, INC. (AVIATION, USA) , 100 A shares, 1963, black, gold, start of Texas, hs. Goble, double typo 'Goble', embossed seal on preprinted gold seal
Nr: 1642 KNIGHTS OF HONOR, SUPREME LODGE (MASONIC, USA) , Benefit certificate $2000, unissued, 1880s, red, black, large printed seal with knigh shielding widow and her children against misfortune, large printed seal
Nr: 1644 LOAN COMMITTEE OF THE PHILADELPHIA BANKS (BANKS, USA) , $5000 loan certificate, 1862, black,
Nr: 1649 TOYO SEIZAI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (WOOD, JAPAN) , 1 Share of 50 Yen, 1906, brown, black, large vignette of 'wood-drivers' on river, border with tree branch elements, text in Japanese, English and French; Japanese and western style embossed seals
Nr: 1650 ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. - WESTERN DIVISION (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. Coup. 6% Gold Bond $1000, 1880, black, vignettes of allegorical figures Commerce left, Peace center, Indians watching train in plain, embossed seal, cat. : ATL-7
Nr: 1651 NAGOYA MOTORS (AUTOMOBILES, JAPAN) , 100 Shares, 1953,  brown, black, red seals, co.logo, embossed seal
Nr: 1652 GOLDFIELDS OF DHARWAR (INDIA) LTD (GOLD MINING, INDIA/UK) , Ordinary shares of 1 Pound partly paid, 1906, blue on blue paper, , embossed seal, small grease stain (1cm)
Nr: 1653 FORESTRY CO. (WOOD, JAPAN) , Shares, 1894, brown, black, red chop seals, , early Japanse, revenu stamp
Nr: 1655 ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Bond 5% redeemable Oct 1 2862, replacement certif., 1963, blue, black, eagle on rock, printed seal with loco, 999 years maturity, cat. ELM-882 B-50 ic
Nr: 1656 SUBWAY FUND OF THE CITY OF NEW BRITAIN (RAILWAYS/CITY, USA) , Coupon bond 3,5% $1000, 1900, blue, black, green, red seal, coat-of-arms, heavily hole-cancelled, embossed seal of beehive on red paper seal; rare
Nr: 1657 MINES D'ALGERIE-TUNISIE, SOC. GEN. DE (MINING, ALGERIA/TUNISIA) , Action de F500, 1899, blue, dark-blue, arabs with camel in dessert and train approaching, miner, ships leaving port, embossed seal, scarce
Nr: 1658 PREUSSISCHE LANDESRENTENBANK (STATE, GERMANY) , Landesrentenbrief 200 RM 4,5%, 1935, brown, buff, grey, underprint of german eagle with swastika, sword and lightning (repeated in corner vignettes and embossed seal), embossed seal with eagle and s
Nr: 1663 URUGUAY, REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL (STATE, URUGUAY) , Deuda Franco-Inglesa 5% 200 Pesos, specimen, 1863, black, flags and coat-of-arms of Uruguay (cow, horse, scale, mountain), large watermark with coat-of arms and flags of Uruguay, early and rare
Nr: 1664 URUGUAY, REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL (STATE, URUGUAY) , Deuda Franco-Inglesa 5% 1000 Pesos, specimen, 1863, green, flags and coat-of-arms of Uruguay (cow, horse, scale, mountain), large watermark with coat-of arms and flags of Uruguay, early and rare
Nr: 1665 URUGUAY, REPUBLICA ORIENTAL DEL (STATE, URUGUAY) , Deuda Franco-Inglesa 5% 500 Pesos, specimen, 1863, orange, flags and coat-of-arms of Uruguay (cow, horse, scale, mountain), large watermark with coat-of arms and flags of Uruguay, early and rare
Nr: 1666 MOORE TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO. (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares of $100, 1914, black, brown, brown seal, photovignete of the telephone company building, embossed seal (on preprinted brown seal) with telephone pole
Nr: 1668 COLONIAL STEEL COMPANY (METAL WORKS, USA) , Common shares of $100, 1926, oliv, black, gold seal, hammersmiths at work on anvil, gold seal with star, gold seal
Nr: 1669 OVERLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY (TELEPHONE, USA) , Shares of 1 Dollar, 1912, brown, black, early telephone, embossed seal
Nr: 1670 CAPE GIRARDEAU NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROAD, USA) , First Mortg. 5% Gold Bond $1000, , green, black, train at high speed, embossed seal, cat CAP-656-B-30 iu
Nr: 1674 PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES, INC. (PRINTING & PRESS, USA) , Class B common stock, printer proof, 19,,, black, woman holding globe with famous buildings (WTC, Eifel tower, Kremlin, ..), Playboy logo
Nr: 1675 HOPPER INVESTMENT (HOLDINGS  & INVESTMENTS, RUSSIA/USA) , 2 shares, specimen, 199.s, brown, red, blue, gold seal, allegorical woman with lion, co.logo with ship, gold seal, hologram seal; related ? to pyramid scheme
Nr: 1676 TRENTON AND NEW BRUNSWICK RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $100, 1902, green, black, coat of arms of New Jersey in front of trains on bridge and boat, rare, embossed seal, revenue stamp, cat TRE-579-S-60 ic
Nr: 1681 TORRINGTON URANIUM MINES NL (MINING/URANIUM, AUSTRALIA) , 100 Contributing shares 2 Sh. 3p. Paid, 1954, blue, red stamped, , uranium mining, embossed seal, scarce
Nr: 1685 CONNECTICUT RAILWAY AND LIGHTNING CO. (RAILROADS/ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, USA) , Less than 100 preferred shares of $100, 1904, red-orange, black, coat-of-arms with allegorical women and beehives, embossed seal, cat. CON-401-S-70a ic
Nr: 1687 OLD COLONY RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 4% Bond (odd), 1890, black, train at station, woman, eagle, embossed seal, cat. OLD-250-B-45 ic
Nr: 1688 ELMIRA AND WILLIAMSPORT RAIL ROAD  CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 5% Bond of $500, 1863, black, , embossed seal with locomotive, cat. ELM-882-B-60 ic
Nr: 1689 WILDWOOD AND DELAWARE BAY SHORT LINE RAILROAD (RAILROADS, USA) , 100 Shares of $50(/$100), 1914, green, black, train '1995' under signal bridge, anomaly: $50 title, $100 underprint, embossed seal, cat. WIL-080-S-56 ic
Nr: 1690 WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA AND PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Common shares of $100, 1910, black, , embossed seal, cat. WIS-475-S-50 ic, scarce
Nr: 1692 WISCONSIN INTERURBAN SYSTEM (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. 20-Y 5,5% Bond of $100, 1917, green, black, large coat-of-arms of Wisconsin with badger, embossed seal, cat. WIS-250-B-50 iu
Nr: 1693 WISCONSIN INTERURBAN SYSTEM (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. 20-Y 5,5% Bond of $500, 1917, brown, black, large coat-of-arms of Wisconsin with badger, embossed seal, cat. WIS-250-B-51 iu
Nr: 1694 BURLINGTON AND MISSOURI RIVER RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $100 - var.'RR' on line 1 and 6, 1859, black on blue paper, , cat. BUR-391-S-39 ic, rare
Nr: 1696 CHICAGO AND GREAT EASTERN RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $100, 1866, black, eagle on coat-of-arms, embossed seal with locomotive and steamer, cat. CHI-214-S-50 ic
Nr: 1697 WASHINGTON RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 100 common shares of $100, 1905, black, orange, streetcar in front of capitol, cat. WAS-649-S-51 ic
Nr: 1700 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Ref.Impr.Mortg.Bond 4,5% $10000, replacement spec., 197.s, orange, black, head of allegorical man, specimen for replacement certificate; cat NEW-530b-B-45c
Nr: 1701 CONNECTICUT RAILWAY AND LIGHTNING CO. (RAILROADS/ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of $100, unissued, 1906, brown, black, coat-of-arms with allegorical women and beehives, cat. CON-401-S-50b uc, stamp cancelled ..no longe
Nr: 1702 CONNECTICUT RAILWAY AND LIGHTNING CO. (RAILROADS/ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, USA) , Less than 100 preferred shares of $100, unissued, 1904, red-orange, black, coat-of-arms with allegorical women and beehives, embossed seal, cat. CON-401-Ss-70a uc
Nr: 1703 PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAIL ROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Stock transfer, 1843, black, , small format, cat. PHI-867a-O-50 ic
Nr: 1704 CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 1st Coll. Trust Mortg. 4% Gold Bond $10000, 1907-1964, brown, black, train in station, boilerman, embossed seal with train, cat. CLE-413-B-17 ic
Nr: 1705 PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Gen.Mortg.Gold Bond 4,5% Due 1977 $1000, , purple, black, vignette of George Brooke Roberts, embossed seal, cat. PHI-083-B-55 ic

Nr: 1706 TATA MILLS LTD (TEXTILE, INDIA) , Ordinary shares of 25 Rs., 1944, purple, orange, , condition F
Nr: 1707 BANK OF IRELAND - NEW THREE AND ONE HALF PER CENT. ANNUITIES (STATE, IRELAND/UK) , Cons. Joint New 3 P. 10 Sh. Per Cent. Ann., 1833, brown-orange,
Nr: 1709 NORTH PARK URANIUM CO., INC. (MINING/URANIUM, USA) , Common shares of 10c, 1957, orange, black, allegorical woman with two men, embossed seal
Nr: 1710 NORTH PARK URANIUM CO., INC. (MINING/URANIUM, USA) , Common shares of 10c, 1954, purple, black, allegorical woman with two men, printed seal, small piece missing from left border
Nr: 1711 CHINA RAILWAY MINISTRY - CANTON-HANKOW (RAILROADS/STATE, CHINA) , 2% Loan 40 Yuan, 1930, green, blue, red, buff, black, Sun Yat Sen, flags
Nr: 1712 PETROLERA MEXICANA FAROS DE AZTLAN S.A., CIA. (OIL, MEXICO) , 100 Acciones de 50 Pesos Oro Nacional, 1916, blue, brown, black, superb vignette of ancient aztec priest, splendid border with ancient motifs, vignettes of aztec? city, oil well
Nr: 1714 TONGANI TEA CO. LTD (TEA, INDIA) , Shares of Rs. 10, 1927, black, red, , embossed seal
Nr: 1716 AERONAUTICA URUGUAYA S.A., CIA. (AVIATION, URUGUAY) , 5 Acciones de $100, unissued, 1936, green, yellow, black, logo with bird and arrow
Nr: 1717 FOR GREAT BULGARIA (STATE/WAR, BULGARIA) , Charity bond of 10 Levs, +1919, blue, fighter airplane above map of Bulgaria, lion, Memorial monument on Bujurishte airport for Bulg. fighter pilots of WWI.
Nr: 1718 CAVE DES AFFAIRES, S.A. (WINE, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1937, brown, pink, Large vignette of a happy Bacchus, Roman god of wine, lists of all the good French wine years, grapes, pillars, Artist: design by E. Pierac, exceptionally decorative
Nr: 1719 YENISEISK GOVERNMENT UNION OF COOPERATIVES (RUSSIA, AGRICULTURE/FISHERY/STATE) , Loan letter, 100 Rbls, 7%, ca.1918, blue, jugendstil, Siberians fishing in the Yenisei river, peasants harvesting grain, threshing-machine, rye, Artist: Karamanov, s
Nr: 1720 HVALFANGERSELSKAPET ANTARCTIC A/S (FISHERY, NORWAY) , Aktiebrev 300 Kr., 1946, black, pink,
Nr: 1721 LA TAURINA CARTAGENERA, S.A. (MINING, SPAIN) , Cuarto de accion 2'50 Ptas, 1901, blue, red, black, yellow, pink, large map of the mines Suerte Impensada, Bombila, Guerrita, large format and beautiful color map of the mines
Nr: 1723 ZONA DE PROTECTORADO DE ESPANA EN MARRUECOS (STATE, MOROCCO/SPAIN) , Bond 25000 Ptas 4%, 1946, brown, pink, star of Morocco in title, large format; scarce
Nr: 1724 SYDFINSKA KUST-ANGFARTYGS-BOLAGET (SHIPPING, FINLAND/RUSSIAN EMPIRE) , Aktier à 40 Mark, 1866, black, brown, steamship with flags near coast, early finish share and scarce
Nr: 1725 SABRE-PINON CORPORATION (MINING, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of 20c, 1960, blue, blac, giant holding atomic explosion in hand, electrons of atom, lightning, uranium mining
Nr: 1726 GREAT CHIEF URANIUM CO. (MINING, USA) , Shares of 1c, 1955, green, red, black, indian chief on horse, winged lions, uranium mining
Nr: 1727 UTE URANIUM, INC. (MINING, USA) , Shares of 1c, 1954, orange, black, eagle, uranium mining
Nr: 1728 LIGHTNING URANIUM CO. (MINING, USA) , Shares of 1c, 1969, black on yellow paper, , uranium mining
Nr: 1732 EMPRESS OIL AND URANIUM CORP. (MINING/OIL, USA) , Shares of 1c, 1956, blue, black, empress with crown and necklace, uranium mining
Nr: 1735 NORRKOPINGS REDERIAKTIEBOLAG (SHIPPING, SWEDEN) , 10 Aktier 1000 Kronor, 1918, black, blue, swim ring with two shipping flags, revenu stamp
Nr: 1736 PARTI COMMUNISTE DE BELGIQUE (STATE, BELGIUM) , Bond of 100 Frcs 3,5% 10 Year, 1948, blue,
Nr: 1737 CHEMIN DE FER DE LIBOURNE A BERGERAC, CIE. DU (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Obligation F500 3%, 1863, buff, black, border with coat of arms (3x), train with bridge (2x), winemaker, flowers, Artist:  Soury, Simon, Blaise, embossed seal with coat of arms,
Nr: 1738 CHEMINS DE FER DE LA VENDEE, CIE DES (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1865, green, black, border with angels, coat of arms (3x), train at harbour, Artist:  design by M. Claverie, engr. by Minne
Nr: 1739 SECTEUR DE LA RIVE GAUCHE DE PARIS S.A., CIE. ELECTR. DU (RAILROADS/ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER, FRANCE) , Action de F500, 1893, green, buff-yellow, grey, coat of arms of Paris, scenery of Paris, stamped seal with coat of arms of Paris and lightning
Nr: 1740 PARISIENNE P. L'IND. DES C.D.F. ET LES TRAMWAYS ELECTRIQUES (RAILROADS, FRANCE) , Part Bénéficiaire, 1900, brown, buff, coat of arms of Paris, scenery of Paris, allegorical woman with light bulb and lightning, train, tramway, generator, Artist: d
Nr: 1741 IMMOBILIERE ET FINANCIERE CHERIFIENNE, SOC. (PROPERTY/HOLDING, MOROCCO/FRANCE) , Action de Jouissance, 1954, brown, grey, underprint of morrocan gates and walls, watermark pattern of printer name
Nr: 1742 SOUTH WALES AND NORTHAMPTONSHIRE JUNCTION RAILWAY (RAILROADS, UK) , Scrip for 1 share of 10 Pounds, ca.1853, black on pink paper,
Nr: 1743 GEELONG GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 1 Pound, date printed 189_, 1901, green, , embossed seal
Nr: 1744 LES PETITS MESSAGERS PARISIENS, S.A. (TRANSPORT, FRANCE) , Action de F500 nominative, 1893, black, blue, coat of arms of Paris in border, printed seal
Nr: 1746 HVETLANDA JÄRNVÄGAR (RAILROADS, SWEDEN) , Aktiebrev 50 Kronor, 1916, black,
Nr: 1748 TELEFERIQUE CHATEAU-D'OEX-LA BRAYE S.A. (CABLE CAR, SWITZERLAND) , Action de Fr. 125, 1982, black on yellow paper, , watermark 'Swis Safety Paper'
Nr: 1749 SALINES DE L'INDOCHINE, SOC. DES (SALT, INDOCHINA/FRANCE) , Action de 20 Piastres, 1929, yellow, blue, red, , printed seal in border with co. Monogram
Nr: 1755 AGUAS PARA EL ABASTECIMIENTO DE SABADELL, CIA. DE (WATER, SPAIN) , 1 Accion de 500 Pts, 1903, green, oliv, blue, pink, buff, wonderfull art nouvea border with Neptune, lady, 3 coats of arms, city view, Artist: design by Antoni Utrillo, extremely
Nr: 1757 CHEMIN DE FER SEMIRETCHINSK (EST-TURKESTAN), CIE. DU (RAILWAYS, RUSSIA) , 1 Obligation 500 Francs 4,5%, cert. Provisoire, 1913, brown, buff, , condition VF, cat. D/H SU E 1124
Nr: 1758 NACIONAL PETROLERA EL ORO NEGRO S.A., CIA. (OIL, MEXICO) , 100 Acciones de 1 Peso, 1914, green, black, oil derricks, vignette of oil derricks on rear as well
Nr: 1760 AGRICOLE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU THAP-MUOI, SOC. (AGRICULTURE, INDOCHINA) , Action de 20 Piastres Indochinoises, 1928, red, green, decorative border with flowers and dragons, scarce
Nr: 1762 CHEMINS DE FER DU SUD DE L'INDOCHINE, CIE. DES (RAILWAYS, INDOCHINA/CAMBODIA) , Action de 500 Francs, 1929, blue, green, , red stamped compagnie seal
Nr: 1765 MALACCA RUBBER PLANTATIONS LTD (RUBBER, STRAIT SETTLEMENTS/MALAYSIA) , 1 Preference share of 1 Pound, 1914, grey, black, strolling tiger in forest, scarce, Straits Settlements pieces are sporadically seen
Nr: 1766 MALACCA RUBBER PLANTATIONS LTD (RUBBER, STRAIT SETTLEMENTS/MALAYSIA) , 5 Ordinary shares of 1 Pound, 1911, brown, black, strolling tiger in forest, scarce, Straits Settlements pieces are sporadically seen
Nr: 1767 OMNIUM MINIER D'INDOCHINE S.A. (GOLD MINING, FRENCH INDOCHINA) , Action de 100 Francs, 1929, blue, light-blue, yellow, large scene in underprint of gold panning, border with bat and fish, Artist: designed by Ahem (Athem?)
Nr: 1772 CHEMINS DE FER VICINAUX DU CONGO S.C.R.L., SOC. DES (RAILROADS, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Bon de caisse 6%  500 Francs = 100 Belgas, uniss., 1933, red, blue, , text in French and Dutch (rear), Belga currency
Nr: 1773 SOFINCO, SOC. FINANCIERE ET INDUSTRIELLE DU CONGO (HOLDING/PROPERTY, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Titre provisoire des parts de fondateur, 1928, red, green, King Leopold II and King Albert I looking at coat of arms with star of Congo, scarce
Nr: 1774 QUARTZ MOUNTAIN (PAPUA) LTD (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/NEW ZEALAND) , Shares of 5/-, 1935, green, black, , stamped seal of the company
Nr: 1775 PAPUAN GOLD AREAS NL (GOLD MINING, PAPUA NEW GUINEA/AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 2/6, 1929, black, , embossed seal of the company
Nr: 1777 COSO URANIUM, INC. (MINING/URANIUM, USA) , Shares of $0.10, 1955, green, black, flying eagle, embossed seal
Nr: 1779 EXPLOITATIONS FORESTIERES ET AGRICOLES DU LAC LEOPOLD II (WOOD/AGRICULTURE, BELGIAN CONGO/BELGIUM) , Action de Capital de 100 Francs, 1928, blue, yellow, forest scene with elephant carrying log, plantation, Artist: design by Ven, decorative piece
Nr: 1780 HOUILLERES REUNIES, S.A. DES (COAL MINING, BELGIUM/FRANCE) , Action de F250, 1854, pink-orange, black, border with flowers, scarce and early Belgian coal mining, embossed seal
Nr: 1781 MINIERE DE PAC-LAN (TONKIN), SOC. (MINING, FRENCH INDOCHINA) , Action de F100, 1926, green, light-green,
Nr: 1783 SCHLESISCHE DAMPFER-CIE. - BERLINER LLOYD AKTIEN-GES. (SHIPPING, GERMANY) , Stammaktie 300 Reichsmark - overstamped 100 RM, 1928, buff-orange, black, blue, , embossed seal, watermark pattern
Nr: 1784 STOLBERGER WASSERWERKS-GESELLSCHAFT (WATER, GERMANY) , Actie 1000 Mark, 1890, olive-green, black,
Nr: 1786 ALADDIN GOLD MINING CO. LTD (GOLD MINING, USA) , Shares of 10c., 1931, brown, black, Aladdin and his wonderfull oil lamp, embossed seal
Nr: 1789 ABAY S.A. (BUILDING & PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION, BELGIUM) , Part sociale ordinaire, 1981, green, black, grey, co.logo, watermark pattern
Nr: 1792 MESSAGERIES FRANCAISE DE MADAGASCAR S.A. (SHIPPING/TRANSPORT, MADAGASCAR/FRANCE) , Action de F100, 1898, black, brown-orange, flags, train and ships in art nouveau border, underprint scene of forest, early and decorative Madagascar piece, embosse
Nr: 1794 SAN PAULO AND MINAS RAILWAY CO. LTD (RAILWAYS, BRAZIL/UK) , 6% Debenture of 20 Pounds, 1908, green, yellow, black, small vignette of train in landscape, embossed seal, rare Brazilian railway certificate
Nr: 1798 FORT WAYNE-LIMA RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 5% General Mortg. Gold Bond $500, due 1957, 1927, orange, black, female head on top looking right, on rear: vignette of female head and coat-of-arms of US, rare, embossed seal, cat. FOR-707-B-50 iu
Nr: 1802 MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , 4.5%  1st Ref Mor Gold Bond $5000 due 1935, uniss., 1915, green, black, track works between trains, cat. MAI-429d-B-67 uu
Nr: 1803 BUCKEYE URANIUM CORPORATION (MINING/URANIUM, USA) , Shares of 1c., 1969, black, gold, eagle in front of city at sea, preprinted gold seal
Nr: 1804 CLARKSVILLE RAILWAY AND LIGHT CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Preferred shares of $100, unissued, 1900s, brown, black, red, , cat. CLA-813-S-70 uu; scarce; small capitalization
Nr: 1805 COLOMBIA EMERALD DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (EMERALD MINING, COLOMBIA/USA) , Shares, 1926, green, black, eagle on rock, embossed seal, few emerald mining certificates seen
Nr: 1806 CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Less than 100 common shares, 1957, brown, black, man with hammer, cat. CEN-075-S-64 ic
Nr: 1807 ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. (CEMENT, USA) , Less than 100 common shares, 1910, orange, black, two females (Industry and Agriculture) flanking company seal, embossed seal
Nr: 1808 CONGO-CAMEROUN, COMPTOIRS D'IMPORTATION ET D'EXPORTATION (IMPORT & EXPORT, CAMEROUN/FRENCH CONGO) , Action de 100 Francs, 1928, blue, light blue, border with flowers, griffins, cornucopias, fruit, lion heads, .., Artist: design by Formisyn, A.
Nr: 1809 ANTHRACITES DU TONKIN, SOC. DES (COAL MINING, FRENCH INDOCHINA/FRANCE) , Action de 100 Francs, 1927, brown, buff,
Nr: 1810 AGRICOLE ET IMMOBILIERE FRANCO-AFRICAINE - ENFIDA (AGRICULTURE, TUNISIA/FRANCE) , Action de capital de 50 nouveaux francs, 1960s, blue, grey, border with olives, wheat, seaweed, olive farm, Arabic buildings, Artist: design by C. Koca, issue in No
Nr: 1811 MALGACE DE CULTURES, SOC. (AGRICULTURE, MADAGASCAR) , Action de 100 Francs, 1927, blue, green, border with African style of patterns
Nr: 1812 CHEMINS DE FER EN TOSCANE, SOC. FRANCAISE DE (RAILROADS, ITALY/FRANCE) , 4% Obligation de 500 Francs, 1910, brown, buff, , embossed seal
Nr: 1814 EXPLOITATIONS AURIFERES S.A., SOC. FR. D' (GOLD MINING, FRANCE) , Action de 100 Francs, 1926, blue, buff-yellow, border vignette of gold dredge on river and large vignette of gold dredge in underprint
Nr: 1815 BOLSALONA S.A. INDUSTRIAL Y COMERCIAL (TEXTILE & LEATHER/SHOPPING, ARGENTINA) , 5 Acciones de 1000 Pesos Oro, 1920, green, orange, brown, mountain goat, jugendstil flowers, leather shop ?
Nr: 1816 EASTERN PENINSULA NAVIGATION CO. LTD (SHIPPING, INDIA) , Shares of 10 Rupees, 5 Rupees paid up, 1920, blue-green, buff, two small vignettes of the shipping flag, embossed seal
Nr: 1817 ST.LOUIS AND SAN FRANSISCO RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , First Mortg. 4,5% Gold Bond 100 Dollars = 516 Fr., 1910, blue, black, allogorical females, printed seal, rare, cat. STL-805-B-30 iu
Nr: 1818 AUSTRALIAN URANIUM CORPORATION NL (MINING/URANIUM, AUSTRALIA) , Stock units of 2 Shillings and 6pence, 1955, brown on yellow paper, , uranium mining, embossed seal
Nr: 1819 COMMONWEALTH HEMP CORPORATION LTD (PAPER/AGRICULTURE, AUSTRALIA) , Shares of 1 Pound, capital 35000 but 50000 stamped, 1930s, black on yellow paper, , embossed seal
Nr: 1820 CAOUTCHOUCS ET CACAOS DU CAMEROUN (RUBBER/COCOA, CAMEROON/FRANCE) , Part bénéficiaire, cap. 4M overstamped 40M Francs, 1926, green, dark green, large scenery in underprint of natives in forest and rubber tapper, Artist: design by Dufaux Henri
Nr: 1822 MINES DE LA LOIRE, S.A. DES (COAL MINING, FRANCE) , Action A de 100 Francs, 1929, dark blue, pink, large scene in underprint of the coal mine installations, watermark pattern of printer logo
Nr: 1823 MINES DE LA LOIRE, S.A. DES (COAL MINING, FRANCE) , Action A de 100 Francs, 1930, dark blue, pink, large scene in underprint of the coal mine installations, watermark pattern of printer logo
Nr: 1824 OCEAN TIME TABLE DISTRIBUTING CO. (SHIPPING SERVICES, USA) , Shares of 25 Dollars, 1895, black, orange, early photovignette of steamer, border with arms and little dragons and oriental boy, embossed seal, condition: some staining
Nr: 1825 OCEAN TIME TABLE DISTRIBUTING CO. (SHIPPING SERVICES, USA) , Shares of 25 Dollars, unissued, 1895, black, orange, early photovignette of steamer, border with arms and little dragons and oriental boy
Nr: 1826 OUEST-CAMEROUN, CIE. DE L' (AGRICULTURE, CAMEROON/FRANCE) , Action de 500 Francs, 1931, brown, buff, vignettes of natives on the field and village, buffalo (or bull), African mask, red printed seal with buffalo
Nr: 1828 FERROCARRIL AEREO SAN SEBASTIAN - MIRAMAR S.A. (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , Parte Beneficiaria de Fundador, 1929, brown, light blue-green, , Boone Cat. 8240B
Nr: 1829 ROCHDALE CANAL CO. (CANALS, UK) , 3,5% Debenture stock, stamped 'SPECIMAN ONLY', 1889, black, , stamped (typo) 'SPECIMAN ONLY', watermark of company name
Nr: 1831 TRAMWAYS DU TONKIN, SOC. DES (RAILWAYS, FRENCH INDOCHINA) , Action de 100 Francs, 1930, green, light-green, red, , printed red seal
Nr: 1832 PARA ELECTRIC RAILWAYS AND LIGHTING CO. LTD (RAILWAYS/ELECTRIC LIGHT, BRAZIL/UK) , Debenture stock, 1968, black, company monogram in left border scrollwork, embossed seal
Nr: 1833 DE BELLEGHEMSCHE NV (TEXTILE, BELGIUM) , Aandeel van 500 Frank, 1928, blue, light blue,
Nr: 1834 KASTOR, AKTIESELSKAPET (FISHING, NORWAY) , Aktiebrev for 1000 Kronor, 1912, black, steamer with harpoon launcher, detail vignette of harppon launcher, shipping flag, trident, decorative whaling share from Norway
Nr: 1835 DUMONT COFFEE CO. LTD, THE (COFFEE, BRAZIL/UK) , Preference shares of 10 Pounds, 1905, red, company monogram in scrollwork at left, large coffee producer; embossed seal
Nr: 1836 JAMAICA COTTON CO., LTD (AGRICULTURE/COTTON, JAMAICA/UK) , Shares of 10 Pounds, 1862, black, , embossed seal with cotton plant, unusual scripophily from Jamaica !
Nr: 1837 DE BEERS CONSOLIDATED MINES LTD. (DIAMOND, CAPE COLONY/SOUTH AFRICA/UNITED KINGDOM) , 1 40% Preference share £2:10, 1902, green, black, coat-of-arms, embossed seal;watermark of co.name;text in english and french;VF condition
Nr: 1838 EL CENTAURO, CIA. PETROLERA (OIL, MEXICO) , 50 Acciones de 1 Peso, cap. 3.5 M - stamped 10 M, 1916, brown, black, centaur, oil worker at oil pump installation with derricks, watermark, printed tax seals, text in Spanish and English
Nr: 1839 CHEMIN DE FER TRANSCAUCASIEN (POTI-TIFLIS), GOUV.IMP.RUSSIE (RAILWAYS, RUSSIA) , Obligation de 500 Francs 5%, 1890, blue, brown, border with double-head imperial Russian eagle, large watermark of Russian eagle,conversion stamp,text in Russian,Fre
Nr: 1843 CORDOBA A SEVILLA, CIA. DEL FERRO CARRIL DE (RAILROADS, SPAIN) , 1 Obligacion 3%  1900 Reales Vellon = 500 Francs, 1860, green, black, borders with city views of Cordoba and Sevilla, coats of arms, Moorish elements, islam text, trains and lots mo
Nr: 1847 FAYOUM LIGHT RAILWAYS CO. S.A. EG. (RAILROADS, EGYPT) , Cert. Provisoire 20 parts de fondation, 1899, black on orange-buff paper, , rare, condition F (fold tears taped with old tape)
Nr: 1855 INTERNATIONAL AND GREAT NORTHERN RAILROAD CO. (RAILROADS, USA) , Shares of $100, unissued, 188_, blue, black, cowboys and cattle
Nr: 1860 CHEMIN DE FER DU NORD DU PARANA, CIE. DU (RAILWAYS, BRAZIL/FRANCE) , Obligation de 500 Francs 5%, 1907, orange, black, star of Brazil and company initials in borders, text in French, Portuguese and English; rare; large format, stamped seal
Nr: 1923 ADDRESSOGRAPH-MULTIGRAPH CORPORATION (OFFICE EQUIPMENT/ELECTRONICS/COMPUTER, USA) , Less than 100 common shares of $10, 1936-1957, orange, black, allegorical woman with globe, harp near fountain, embossed seal
Nr: 1947 AMERICAN RED CROSS (HEALTH/NON-PROFIT, USA) , Contributing share in the Red Cross War Fund 1945, 1945, blue, red, red cross, war prisoners, battle woundeds, on rear: nurse at sick bed, red cross camper, service woman, dividends on backside to be
Nr: 1949 ATELIERS DE CONSTRUCTION DE GAMMERAGES S.A. (METAL WORKS/BELGIUM) , Action de capital de 500 Francs, 1920, blue, light-blue,
Nr: 1951 CLAIRETTE DE DIE, CAVE COOP. DE (WINE, FRANCE) , Cert. nomin. de parts sociales de 5 NF, 1962, black, orange, ,  .. Donnant droit à un apport de 1080 kilogrammes de vendanges ..
Nr: 1952 HIGHLAND COUNTRY CLUB, LTD (GOLF/CURLING/SPORTS, CANADA) , Class A shares of $10, 1978, blue, light blue, black, , borders closely trimmed; embossed seal
Nr: 1957 MEXICAN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. LTD (ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER, MEXICO/CANADA) , Deposit receipt for $1000 5% 1st Mortg Gold Bond, 1916, red, green, on green paper,
Nr: 1958 EURATOM (STATE/NUCLEAR ENERGY, EUROPE/BELGIUM) , 15% Obligation de 500 FRF, 1983, green, brown, dark blue, two logos of euratom (atoms and electrons), fs. E. Davignon
Nr: 1964 ATLAS CONSOLIDATED MINING AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (MINING/COPPER, PHILIPPINES) , Block shares of 10 Pesos, 1956, blue, black, , embossed seal
Nr: 1965 ISRAEL BABY FOOD CO. LTD (FOOD, ISRAEL) , 12 Yr Subord debenture of 300 Israel Pounds 8%, 1967, blue, black, , stamped seal in Hebrew